Oh thats a good post title and you know you love it! Last Friday I had a great time touring the Microsoft PSS (CSS for Exchange and SBS, support guys) HQ in Las Colinas, Texas. It was quite an experience for me to actually meet some of these guys that I have an immense amount of respect for. After seeing what they do that respect has almost doubled. Below is the picture with the SBS podcast team of Inside SBS, and I have some inside info: Inside SBS podcast will be back very soon. In this pic, from left to right: Vlad, Damian, Peter, Mark and Justin playing the center. Now this guy, despite having met him for the very first time, is the person that contributed the most to Vladville by writing excellent high level Exchange articles on the Microsoft Exchange EHLO blog. His name is Nino Bilic and he is the Tech Lead for Exchange 12. Dilbert fan too (go figure, they live in Cubeville) but the coolest thing was that we grew up in the same country and speak the same language (actually spoke it in front of Mark). How cool is that?
It was awesome meeting these guys. I did not get any Koolaid served, but I did get the free Microsoft coke. Very much like the Redmond campus, except this one has soda machines that drop cans 2 feet so they can eventually explode on the Microsoft Small Business Specialist shirt yours truly was wearing. I saw a lot of cool stuff on how Microsoft support works… most of which I will have to take to my grave. And I saw the test lab. My, oh my, oh my. When they say dog-food, they mean dog-food! P.S. Thanks to Melissa Travers for hooking me up and to Mark Stanfill for giving me an awesome tour of the campus.
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