I Got The Hookup: Windows Mobile Specialist


The Windows Mobile Training site is a resource I have mentioned a number of times as perhaps the second best resource on Windows Mobile, second only to msmobiles.com. It has a ton of sales, technical, demo and lab information to help you understand Windows Mobile solutions, get training on both the sales and technical side (as all IT Professionals should understand the business problems before they can begin to solve technical ones) and more. Well, I was checking on the site to see whats new with the Cingular 8185 device that is coming on sale in USA and I noticed they had a "Windows Mobile Training Specialist" program. So I took a few minutes to pitty it. Hey ma, clear some room on the wall we got another one! Before you're allowed to take the specialist exam they make you go through the training on hardware and on the sales (it's actually at least three sales labs and exams that basically introduce you to the Windows Mobile 5) and one technical (Where you get to find out what the device does, whats special about it, etc). So I'm a Windows Mobile Training Specialist now. Let the training begin: There is no Windows Mobile 5 Microsoft Mobility & Security Feature Pack (MSFP) available on the market today. There are no public MSFP emulator images available today. Consider yourself trained!

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