On Honesty

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Slight departure from the regular Vladville to bring you a quickie on honesty. This has been a big community week for me with all the events, shows, groups, podcasts, interviews and even a dinner with a partner from UK (Paul Young) that came all the way to Orlando to see my seminar. Here is one thing that I've heard this week, over and over and over, and it never ceases to disappoint me that this observation is actually stated out loud:

"Wow, you don't sugar-coat anything, do you? Just call it like it really is?"

I am not sure if something about my look screams slimy insurance attorney but I am often taken back by people who are surprised to meet someone with ethics and integrity in IT. The one thing that keeps the economy and civilization in tune is honesty. Honesty with oneself and honesty with the general public. I am by no means "shoot from the hip, I don't care what anybody else thinks" kind of a guy but when we talk about business or my job there are things I do and things I stand for. The faster I can tell you who I am and what I think the faster I can get to actually helping you and letting you know what I and my work represent. In all my years in IT I have learned that there is only one fundamental truth: if you BS you will be called on it. I have learned another truth about business: if you sell it eventually you will be asked to deliver it. So think of that when you try to lie, the person you are talking to can read straight through you. If they cannot, they will bite and then make you live up to your promises. Be honest. If your customer cannot appreciate you for what you do and stand for, they do not deserve to be your customer. So here is my short code of conduct: Life is short. Games are for kids and politics are for bad attorneys. If you're mortal and over 18 get over your insecurities and stand for something. Life is too short to be spent on posturing, manipulation and deceit. Stand for something, you will be respected for it by some and those will never abandon you for being a decent human being.