Gentlemen, start your leeching!

Misc, Web 2.0

Ah, today feels like 1994 with a T3 and a leech account on a warez site. Today marks one of the most exciting days for download junkies in quite some time. Endless ways to destroy your computer with poorly tested software and get the glimpse of the future! So first there is the guide that tells you just what your SBS server can do. But thats old news, how about some technology that will absolutely cripple your laptop? Susanne did just that this weekend so try it too, Office 2007 B1 is available. To be fair, they did release some stable code too, take a look at MMC 3.0 especially if you've got a religious objection to R2 and won't be upgrading. Wuss. But before you blow yourself up to smitherines, check out the Google GDrive. For those few not paranoid about Google taking their files over there is now a more manual way to do! Sarah actually has a link to the business model and to be honest, Google sounds more and more like a used car salesman as each day passes by. How do we do we do it Crazy Sergei? Volume!

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