Now I must admit I was not too excited about Google Gcal (yet another beta) but I figured I'd give it a shot to see just what sort of a "me too" they have managed to put out now. Show me one person that had not lost some faith in Google developers after the Gtalk fiasco. Either way, I checked it out and I must say I am very impressed. It hurts when something shames my Exchange backend but this comes relatively close to being the best thing on the market. Agendas, speed, calendar sharing, permissions, public events, the search and most of all – the little things. For example, it gives you tips and examples as you work: When you attempt to add an event it gives you an example "Dinner with Michael 7pm tomorrow"; Such natural stuff has been available in Outlook for quite some time but I bet you're reading about it here the first time. Google is taking the page out of Microsoft's book – It's the little things that matter the most.
The horrific privacy policy, beta status, no offline / backup and other deal breaking details aside… this could be a time management solution for a lot of people. Don't expect this one out of the beta for a long time either – there are absolutely no ads on it – anywhere. So how do they make money on this?
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