Palm 700w Gets MSFP


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 Good news for the Treo/Palm fans, your beloved Windows Mobile 5 device finally gets MSFP/AKU2 rom. Yes, you can finally get Push Mail with your device. More at the Engadget Mobile but suffice to say you'll want to get your rom here.

As Engadget warns, make sure you backup your device because rom upgrades tend to wipe your device clean. Hopefully you run Exchange 🙂

How is this interesting? Well, 700w in spite of being the worst WM5 phone available, is likely the second best selling one (behind Sprint's 6700 which already had MSFP) and will hopefully give more people a reason to get with Windows Mobile 5 and reduce the number of times I have to disappoint customers by saying "No, we do not offer Blackberry. Oh, you're willing to pay? $5k for 5 users. Not interested, why, what ever made you change your mind?"  

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