Live Buzz

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Lot’s of buzz on the web about the re-launch of and many services going live this week including the much improved Messenger Live. Now this may still be koolade talking from TechEd but I am really impressed with what is bringing to the table when it comes to developers. Even though I play one on TV I have to admit that even a monkey slinging a banana at the keyboard could develop a mashup Ajax project driven by’s content. We’ll be spending a lot more time in ASP.NET this quarter, I have definitely been sold on it. But keep an eye on this week, lots of stuff seems to be going live there, especially when compared to betaland.

That, in case you were wondering, also played a part to the nuking of Google ads on here. First of all, I like it when a search engine query for Vlad Mazek actually points you to this site instead of suggesting a search for lead. Second and a little more personal reason was that nearly all the useful ads pointed directly to my competitors. When it couldn’t figure out my spelling mistakes it properly pointed you to a place where you can start your own blog – don’t let borderline illiteracy hold you back! At the end of the day there was no amount of money Google could bring in that would let me sleep at night for sending money to my competitors. Bitter? You bet.