Let's face it, most vendor gifts suck. The best thing I ever received was a 5lb case of german gingerbread cookies and it took me, my fiance and my dog roughly two months to go through the entire thing. Not only was it tasty but the presentation was remarkable. So I do want to talk a little about the present that came to my desk the other day that I literally could not put down. As a bit of a community service I do intend to publish a full review of this but I hope that you can trust me when I say you need to buy this book if you intend to live up to your IT promises:
Service Agreements for SMB Consultants
This book, in short, is the best guide ever written for anybody in SMB IT.
Bar none.
I have a huge stack of technical and business books that are in my library simply for the chapter or two that I cannot find elsewhere. The SLA book, cover to cover, ought to be the first, last and only thing you do this week as an investment in your business.