Vladire Episode 4: Community & Your Business with Susanne Dansey


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Welcome to the second coming of Susanne Dansey. You can read (and watch) more of Susanne here on how the community she participates/builds helps her business. This second “in-the-dark” part of her presentation from Microsoft WWPC talks at great length how to establish relationships with the community members, how to leverage that against major vendors, how to be comfortable about doing business with your peers and a lot more.


Download a WMV (Microsoft Windows Movie) (73Mb)

Stream Quicktime (Fast, Streaming, Requires Quicktime) (21Mb)

Note: Shot in near complete darkness. Just experimenting with video. I know a few of you are going to SMB Nation to network and participate in SBS groups so its only fair that you learn how to do it from the very best. Oh, and you might want to watch all the way to the end to see what she is really like. Queenie rules with an iron fist. 

47 Responses to Vladire Episode 4: Community & Your Business with Susanne Dansey

  1. Pingback: UK SMB Girl » WWPC Presentation: Part 2

  2. Pingback: E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva" : Just not quite the same

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