Get to know Exchange 2007


Short notice but worth it.

I’m presenting on Exchange 2007 tomorrow morning to Alamo PC SBS SIG (the taco people). The event will be webcast, if you have some time from 9:30 AM – Noon EST hope you join me. The presentation will be relatively basic, somewhere around level 200. 

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: GS9BQW
Meeting Key: M8@P_fN

Many of my peers have dismissed Exchange 2007 in SMB but I think mostly because they have not seen it / experienced it. The amount of work Exchange team has put into this product literally makes comparisons to 2003 and other third party products nearly impossible, and the changes in the deployment and management are significant enough to entice even the smallest of IT shops to consider. While 2000 to 2003 was a tough sell and took close to a decade to get people off 5.5, the 2007 release is IMHO significant enough that anybody in this business needs to start learning before they are left back in the dust. I’m giving you that opportunity tomorrow morning, hope you join us.

3 Responses to Get to know Exchange 2007

  1. Pingback: E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva" : A challenge to Vlad and David

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