UI changes with ExchangeDefender v3

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You guys do know I have a job, right? I’m not your monkey.

Over the past few weeks I have been working with partners all over the world on getting ExchangeDefender v3 interfaces published. While the subsystems have been in production for nearly a month now the visual subset (“what you see”) challenge is a little bit difficult to put together. You have power users, you have users, you have administrators, you have MSPs and everyone has a set of features they need and a set of features they hate. For example, the bigger the company the less they want to spend managing the service. The smaller the company the more they want to consolidate the management to one person. Go ahead, draw up a UI for that.

So thats what I’ve been up to. We officially launch v3 on Friday and we’re giving partners access to it at some point tomorrow. Last minute changes and cleanup have been keeping me from being your monkey, I know you’ll thank me for it later.

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