Daily Humor: iPhone for Windows Mobile

Microsoft, Mobility
1 Comment


This cracked me up. Someone wrote an iPhone emulator for Windows Mobile. Would I have died to be in on that discussion: “Here we have an awesome portable media appliance, cell phone, remote management platform…. how do we dumb down the crap out of it and turn it into a pre-K toy? Oh, I know, how about an iPhone emulator?”

Have to admit, the product that the developer of this software has (Pocket Programming Language) seems to be a very impressive little IDE for form creation and management for Pocket PC applications. We’re working on a Shockey Monkey mobile agent right now and something like this would really have come useful about a month or so ago and it’s really gonna be useful going forward. Mobile forms management in Visual Studio….

One Response to Daily Humor: iPhone for Windows Mobile

  1. Pingback: iPhone » iPhone April 10, 2007 4:32 pm

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