Making Friends

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This came courtesy of a partner from Jacksonville and was just so good I had to share, enjoy:  

While waiting on a client outside of Starbucks today, I was right in the middle of listening to you talk about  the Outlook 2007 Performance Patch when a guy who apparently was in the field stopped and asked who I was listening to. The conversation went something like this:

Stranger: Excuse me, but who is that you are listening to?

Michael: It is an acquaintance of mine name Vlad Maz…

Before I finished the sentence…

Stranger: That guy’s an asshole! He has a webcast now?

Michael: (laughing) Oh so you know him? He is not that bad…

Stranger: Whatever man… Really he is a jerk. And he is a friend of yours?

Michael: I said he was an acquaintance. And how do you know that I am not an asshole too?

Stranger: (Stuttering now) Well, I don’t but you look alright. So he is broadcasting now? What’s it called again?

Michael: It is a VladCast. He is giving his time to share back with the community that…

Cut off again…

Stranger: I don’t know man. The guy is just vain. Vlad this, Vlad that. More like VladCrap.

Michael: I will suggest that to him.

Stranger proceeds to uncomfortably end the conversation and move on…

So to honor this person that you apparently touched so much, I think you should rename your cast to VladCrap.

Perhaps Michael should have reached out to the unemployed IT consultant hanging out at Starbucks listening to other people’s podcasts and showed him the fancy new “Delete” key we now have on keyboards. New thing, makes things you don’t like to see/hear disappear!

anonymous Microsoft manager says:

you know you’re getting famous when people you’ve never met hate you