HP Mobility Misses Again: No WM6 upgrade for iPaq

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The more Carly changes, the more they HP the same.

While iMate is well on its way to provide the third OS upgrade to their iMate JasJar PocketPC (from 2003 to WM5 and now to WM6) the HP strikes again – denying updates to their entire customer base. And while all the WM5 devices can be easilly upgraded to WM6 because it’s the same underlying operating system (WindowsCE 5.0/5.2), HP yet again leaves it’s customers with fairly pricey paperweights.

The message: Ignore HP.

While I got burned by HP years ago, I still do not have Vista x64 drivers for any of the printers we use. HP continues to sell equipment with outdated technology while pricing it at a premium. Are consumers dumb enough not to notice the difference? Apparently, yes.