Employee of the Month


Warning: DO NOT watch the video if you are easilly offended.

Ok folks, I am about to let you in on a deep personal secret of how far I will go to make something unfunny. Vince Tinnirello was telling my wife how he is probably one of the few folks that gets my embedded jokes because we grew up in the same area. So, here it goes Vince, you’re among friends:  In 2005 or 2006 I was watching a seminar presented by Jim Harrison on how ISA handled rate limiting. His precise words that obviously stuck with me were in describing multiple layers of firewalls: “I don’t care what you use, Pix, Foundry, Monkeys in Buckets.”

Fast forward to 2007, we’re walking around WWPC after talking to Clint from Zenith Infotech about their new products and the sentiment was basically: “I am not so sure I want to leave my clients government regulatory compliance in hands of indians in buckets.” Later that day, www.indianinabucket.com was born.

Now, fast forward further to last months Orlando ITPRO meeting where the topic was managed services tools. We talked about the Zenith Infotech in particular and I suppose someone remembered my indianinabucket.com joke and brought it up. Seems like everyone loved it. A little too much.

Last Friday I get an email from a partner asking for my mailing address. Since we don’t take checks my first assumption was that this had to be a pipe bomb. Oh well, 8131 yada yada. Earlier today I get an email from the Partner:

I understand your new employee was delivered today.

I had my wife ship it and I think she put her company as a return by mistake. If I managed to offend anyone in the process REMEMBER it was from me personally, not my wifes company, nor ____… ;).. There, the disclaimer’s out of the way.

Let me know how he works out, I hope he’s highly productive for you.

What ensued is highly offensive, I do not recommend you watch it under any circumstances. However, I gotta say, this is the best gift I got in quite some time, I enjoyed it. Warning: offensive but not explicit.

Warning: DO NOT watch the video if you are easilly offended.

Click here to watch the video: File Attachment: indianinabucket.wmv (12678 KB)

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