On tangent to the previous blog posts about V vs. V, what happens when vendors cannot communicate with other vendors? I just went through my “community” mailbox (vlad@vladville.com) and cleared out a few of the usual slimy vendor whoring requests. What is particularly amusing about these is that whenever there is something racy on Vladville these folks are the first to cringe at the display and offer me guidance (like they have ever met me), but two minutes later they are back with “permission to blog” about their announcements, surveys, conferences, etc.
You can’t have it both ways, you can’t be outraged at the content that builds the audience and then go back to it begging for traffic. If what you are writing is not what your audience wants to read, and you consider Vladville so repulsive, what good is the link to your press announcement going to do?
So in the interest of helping some of you reach your intended audience for shameless whoring, here are a few tips:
- Start a blog of your own.
- Keep your blog honest and straight. Nobody likes to read announcements and PR bull.
- Comment and link to other peoples blogs. I do not link to anything that doesn’t appear to be open to conversation – so if you’ve closed comments, didn’t list contact info, who you are, what you do… I consider it a spam blog.
That should get you started…
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