Seriously Dell?

IT Business

I have been just about the loudest supporter of Dell in SMB but time has come where even I have to throw in a towel, both as a customer and as a Gold Team supported company.

Earlier today we had another person join OWN and our standard company issue, Dell Vostro, is just about the most awesome laptop there is for business. Reliable, excellent battery, takes abuse well…

3-21-2009 2-30-27 PM

The only problem is, when your DEFAUT order placed on March 21st does not ship until May 6th, you have no place being in the computer business. This isn’t 1996. You don’t get to take a month and a half to ship a PC.

What gets me is that this is the base laptop that Dell produces. I understand if Adamo has a lot of demand, or if their mini is oversold. But your basic model taking 6 weeks to be built and shipped tells me one thing – your business division is either slowing down a lot or you have serious problems.

I’m taking my business elsewhere, does anyone have a non-HP recommendation?

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