Looking for ConnectWise victims

Shockey Monkey

We’re looking for ConnectWise volunteers / victims to test out our new support system integration. If you use OWN service and ConnectWise, please drop me an email.

We need: 1) Access to your ConnectWise system 2) Your system needs to be SMTP enabled to send out alerts 3) Permission to access your OWN account 4) Permission to setup a new alert and open/update tickets in your ConnectWise system and 5) We need it by tomorrow at the latest.

P.S. This will complete our integration portfolio between Shockey Monkey and Autotask, ConnectWise, Kaseya, LPI, Quickbooks, MYOB, Office (SBA/Excel) as well as our own WMI agent software. We also have the Zenith Infotech code in place but without the ability to test it with them.. well, you know.. it might happen but don’t hold your breath on that one for SM3 release.

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