I don’t typically do product endorsements, mostly because I haven’t figured out how to take money for it. But every now and then someone in our industry addresses a critical need that is also accompanied by good people and good reputation.
I spend a lot of my time traveling and the topic of 2010 has been return to growth slowed down by inability to bring in new business quickly enough. New client every quarter, month or week is simply not enough in the IT Solution Provider world that faces competition and compressed margins. Everyone I talk to wants referrals, yet the real reason they are facing problems in the first place is their own online presentation.
For the most part, IT Solution Provider web pages are meant to make the phone ring. Solution providers typically don’t have a ton of content to share, lots of services to describe or highly technical information to share. There are few events to speak of and IT services in SMB are typically considered by people that don’t understand everything about IT services in the first place – so a special on something that is not readily recognizable (ie, I can’t figure out the value) is not going to make the phone ring.
What works?
Small business hiring an IT solution provider operates in the same mindset as a small business trying to hire an employee.
Are they personable? Are they knowledgeable? Are they experienced? Are they someone that can work with us?
Nothing quite answers that like a brief video.
Varvid helps partners with production of video and social media for a very, very low price. You know, all that stuff that you should be doing and you know you’re missing out on – but don’t do because you have better things to do than spending hours on editing video. This is where consistency matters, where not reinventing the wheel is going to save you money and something that you desperately need.
The guys behind this product are fantastic and Aaron Booker is someone I’ve known for years. I recommend you check them out. I have not been paid or enticed to write this post in any way (though he does owe me a beer now), it’s just something I thought addresses the major problem area that many of the people I work with face and I thought I’d throw it out there.
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