Presenting at FACUG


I’m doing my bit to support the local Florida User Groups. In the morning I will be presenting two ITPRO sessions at the Florida Computer User Group Association’s annual conference in Orlando, Florida. Come out and check them out:

UnMicrosoft Vista: ITPRO view of Microsoft’s next OS

UnMicrosoft Vista presentation is an unbiased and independent look at Microsoft’s next operating system and the changes that it brings along. No marketing or eye-candy, this presentation is strictly about the guts of Microsoft Vista. The first half presentation is meant to get you up to speed on Microsoft Vista if you have not participated in the beta test, the second half is on the details that will speed up and ease your deployment and management of Vista.


SBS 2003: Small Network Servers

A computer on every table is becoming a reality. Not only is it on nearly every table but it’s also in your pocket, under your TV, in your study, home office and every kids room. Managing networks even for home use is becoming a chore right after dusting so take a look at what SBS can bring to your home network in terms of resource management, network control policies, remote access and information sharing for your family.

Both sessions are aimed right at the ITPRO crowd but have the fun factor built into them. Allow me to explain. If I see another alpha-transparency trick or an ALT+TAB replacement I think I will puke. Honestly, if I wanted a Mac I would have bought one a long time ago. There is so much under the Vista’s hood that has never been talked about (for the love of god, enough about UAC) and I intend to cover as much of that as I can during 1:00 I’m entitled to.

GUARANTEE 0 powerpoint, 0 crappy Aero tricks.

Warning: By the time I’m done with my Vista demo you will want it on your desktop. If the IT budget around the house or work is a little tight you might want to avoid the presentation.

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