I don’t know why the subject cracks me up so much, after all, I sell Microsoft vaporware for living (“Sure, of course it can handle a 14GB mailbox!”) but when someone goes out and sells my “Solutions built on a toilet ™” software I crack up.
Shockey Monkey, as some of you have noticed, has been in use by people worldwide since about the early October. It is a heavilly optimized portal software for SMB consultants, but more than a few people have managed to sell it to everything from SMB up to the government. I kid you not. Todays conversation:
Dave: It’s hot.
Vlad: Welcome to Florida.
Dave: I sold Shockey Monkey!
Vlad: What?
Dave: I logged into it to wrap up a ticket and the person liked it so much they want it for their own business.
Vlad: What do they do? (crossing fingers, hoping its not a drug dealer… again)
So keep on selling that monkey. Lord knows I can use some more backlog, almost two weeks now. But seriously, SM is not a good CRM solution. There are plenty of good CRM solutions for the problem of large SMB technology budget.