Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
I rarely ever post internal messages I send to the ExchangeDefender staff on Vladville. I think between the announcements and details I share you have a pretty good idea about the kind of a place we run and why our … Continue reading
Tomorrow at noon I will be holding what is likely the last webinar I’ll hold in this iteration of ExchangeDefender, Own Web Now and Shockey Monkey. Don’t worry if you haven’t registered for it, it’s officially too late to send … Continue reading
Off topic: I hope you’re having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. If you’re outside of United States and don’t celebrate the Memorial Day allow me to share the following as a recently naturalized american citizen: You’re welcome for us saving … Continue reading
I have written at length about why work-life balance is a myth to successful entrepreneurs. Yet every few months another unemployed person strays from the food stamp line to lecture us on why working too hard or too long or … Continue reading
I wanted to title this blog post “Why I smile on my way to work every day” but decided to keep it on topic and for those of you that don’t like long winded run-on sentences here is a quickie: … Continue reading
One of the reasons why ExchangeDefender is on a roll this year is because I’ve been able to stay at work for over 6 months straight and keep my top talent focused on what we’re doing. It’s not like we … Continue reading
One of the biggest failures you can have as a software business is not offering a product that the market demands. This is quite possibly one of my biggest mistakes and I’ve written and deleted thousands of words in this … Continue reading
Today is the last day to win some beer money from me, just hit this link: Vlad the Imp Aler Survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/smrmm We’ve gotten a lot of responses and some really surprising data and every little vote and piece of … Continue reading
Have you ever been up late at night and turned on the TV just to break up the silence a bit? There they are, newfound millionaires who bought houses for no money down, made it big at car or government … Continue reading
I was recently asked by my friends on Facebook (www.facebook.com/vladmmd) and Twitter (@vladmazek) about how to build a great technology business. As I was told, I spend a lot of time explaining how the doors to opportunity are being closed … Continue reading