Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
Today two big, obvious, truths were revealed to those who held their sword aloft and said “By the power of Greyskull…”: 1. I am a shameless, selfpromotional opportunisitic guy.2. I am neither Vartruth nor The Channel Watchdog. Here is the … Continue reading
One of the more neverending debates I have with my entrepreneurial friends is over development of new business lines. Regardless of how big or small you are, venturing outside of your comfort zone tends to require new skill, new connections … Continue reading
At a recent conference I was asked if I’d consider doing the ironman push again. For those of you that aren’t devoted Vladville followers, I worked 90 days straight from January 1st – March 31st. No breaks, no vacations, no … Continue reading
It’s been a few months since I’ve offered you an update on Shockey Monkey. Since last fall the product has been very solid and in a few months we will be celebrating our first birthday! Over the past few months … Continue reading
MSPs and IT Solution Providers have an inherent business model flaw: They can’t compete on both price and performance at the same time. Your solution cannot simultaneously be the best and the cheapest because the cheapest is always getting cheaper … Continue reading
Have you ever been to a Best Buy and just left the place floored at how knowledgeable or expert the staff there is? If you have, someone must be reading this post to you because there is NO way you … Continue reading
Well, 2011 has been nice. Almost half of it down with some back-to-back binges personally and professionally. I spent the end of 2010 with another baby, then started 2011 with a 3 month Ironman session that ExchangeDefender 7 was born … Continue reading
On Monday we launched ExchangeDefender 7. So to be fair, I’ve had 7 opportunities to learn how to do this right 😉 I’m offering this out loud because as much as it is just simple common sense, you don’t have … Continue reading
This is something I wish I knew in my 20’s but I often encounter much older people that have not learned this lesson. Quick question: When should you open your mouth? It’s so easy to get dragged into fights online … Continue reading
Earlier today I had the pleasure of presenting to a relative group of strangers at the HTG summit – folks who have never met me. Yet seemingly, my reputation always precedes me – so I always make a point to … Continue reading