Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
We’re sitting around bouncing the SLA details about the new product and the conversation about the service came about. At the same time we’re spying on the sales monkey SIP channel as a “5000 user lead” conversation took place – … Continue reading
Reading over Arlin’s thoughts on VAR sales. If you’re a VAR, you need to read it. This is where the title has a double meaning. Not only is he right, but the VARs and IT Solution Providers that don’t move … Continue reading
About a year ago we wrote a piece of software for the Autotask platform called Orangutime. It had a simple premise: Help staff better track their time and post it back to the ticket. It consisted of a Windows system … Continue reading
(this is not a motivational post that will be featured at monster / careerbuilder) We’re at the start of the biggest hiring spree we’ve ever had. OWN is launching upgrades to all the existing product lines next quarter and introducing … Continue reading
By now you certainly know that iPhone 4 has arrived on Verizon’s network. Their marketing for it is simply brilliant. Brilliant (adj) is a word British people use a lot. It basically means: “I wouldn’t imagine something so intelligent would … Continue reading
Key to a successful IT business is communication. At times, marketing does a better job than technical support does in communicating technical events – mostly because marketing has a heads up and technical support is our version of FEMA. At … Continue reading
Being bad at math and making bad business decisions goes hand in hand. Sometimes we make bad decisions because we don’t know all the cost factors, replacement costs, unforeseen expenses and so on. Can’t do much about that. But sometimes … Continue reading
It’s important to work closely with the people to deliver a solution end to end. Most people only show initiative in a destructive way: posting negative feedback to Twitter, groups and anyone that will listen to their hardships. Few people … Continue reading
Yesterday I mentioned the latest episode of The Weather Report covered the discussion about how VARs can survive in the cloud and the controversy over cloud billing. Well, you’ve flooded my inbox: What is The Weather Report? Well, a few … Continue reading
Continued as a part of the New Year review blog posts. Out with the old, in with the new? Well, a year is a loooong time and there is a lot of old stuff that needs to be cleared off … Continue reading