Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
Can you tell the difference between a detail and the big picture? It depends on perspective. I’ve gotten a lot of email over the past few days thanking me about writing the GTD stuff that’s helped transform my own performance … Continue reading
Yesterday I wrote a blog post about Start of Year Maintenance cycle most successful businesses people go through. Fact is, unless you’re remarkably organized and suffer absolutely 0 external interference, you’ve got to dedicate some time to straightening things out. … Continue reading
If you’ve got any work ethic, it shouldn’t matter what day/date it is, you should be ready to kick ass any day of the week. But even if the calendar doesn’t matter to you, it does to the government, state … Continue reading
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, young Vlad set out to write a free PSA. He failed, big time. The longer he kept on lying to himself about the next beta being useful, the further away … Continue reading
Before I even begin talking about how much we’ve simplified your life, I need to extend some thanks. I would like to thank Vince Tinnirello of Anchor Network Solutions in Denver, Colorado and Howard Cunningham of Macro Systems LLC serving … Continue reading
My god Vlad, what did you do? (Part 2)
ExchangeDefender, Google, IT Business, OwnWebNow
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Yesterday I held a big webcast to announce our big plans for 2011. To say it went well is an understatement. But in January we start offering all of these services and I want to make sure we are completely … Continue reading
I’m on family leave till 2011 and the only thing I forgot to do in my checkout checklist was to redirect my cell phone back to the office. So yesterday as I was cleaning up I got a phone call … Continue reading
There are times in business when you make a decision and just hope for the sake of everyone involved that you’re right. If you own a business, perhaps that roll of the dice came when you started your business. Perhaps … Continue reading
Last week I spent a lot of my time hanging around the conferences we sponsored in Orlando surrounding the ConnectWise summit. I was not officially a part of any of them which allowed me to have one-on-one meetings with a … Continue reading
Little while ago after finishing a brutal summer of conferences and launch of Shockey Monkey I posed a question and opinion to my audience on whether or not the MSPs have jumped the shark. One of my awesome partners wrote … Continue reading