Category Archives: IT Business

Whose fault or responsibility is it really?

IT Business
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Over the last few days I have been reading a lot of posts about small business engagement and even though they are seemingly coming from different angles, they are all looking for someone else to either accept blame for the … Continue reading

Priority Inbox in Business

IT Business
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Google finally released their long awaited Priority Inbox. You can get the details here: In a nutshell, it’s a set of workflows that determines what gets placed at the top of your inbox – instead time, priority or alphabetical … Continue reading

So what do you think?

Friends, IT Business

Every now and then I get emails that are so well thought through and written (unlike Vladville) that it’s a damn shame to keep them to myself. So with permission (and removing their company / name) I am reprinting the … Continue reading

Have the MSPs jumped the shark?

Deals, IT Business

Everywhere you turn today, the focus is away from managed services and towards the cloud and mobility. Consider the biggest news this week: Google allows VoIP calls from Gmail, Apple’s new TV and rental model, and a bunch of stories … Continue reading

Nothing of importance happened yesterday

IT Business

Aside from a hat tip to one of the greatest historical ironies, nothing really “new” happened yesterday when I posted about the Next to the last chapter of Vladville. While I wholeheartedly appreciate the notion that my blog posts would … Continue reading

I need a cloud strategy

IT Business

I get this pretty much every day. On Thursday I did a presentation at MSPU and I got a lot of people asking me about how to formulate a cloud strategy. Being the pimp that I am, I told them … Continue reading

Somewhat personal…

IT Business
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Most of you may not know, but I’m 31. And man, if you look at the archives of this blog, I’ve said some hella dumb stuff in the past 6 years of writing this thing. One of my agendas for … Continue reading

Washington DC – Cloud, Cloud, Cloud, Cloud..

IT Business, Microsoft

Sick of it yet? It’s about to get a whole lot worse. Microsoft WPC, at least from the vendor standpoint, is all about the cloud. By my brief account while trying to locate the ExchangeDefender booth (#743) the cloud is … Continue reading

The 2010 so far…

IT Business
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With first half of the year coming to a close it’s time to look at the agenda & numbers and figure out where we’re at and where we’re going. Everyone should do this as a part of their business because … Continue reading

How come there aren’t more “honest” SMB blogs out there?

IT Business
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I get this question often.. My standard response is to just shrug and say that most people that are willing to put serious effort into something expect to be compensated. For the rest, there is a significant penalty for being … Continue reading