Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
By now everyone is familiar with a shit sandwich approach to delivering really bad news – you start with the compliment, deliver the bad news and close with another piece of good news. It makes everyone walk away from the … Continue reading
One of the best thing about my business is that it gave me the opportunity to travel all over the world and meet some great people. And no matter how nice, many that get to know me eventually say something … Continue reading
Until you hand them your best selling book with your face on the cover. Expert. Author. That is credibility you can touch. Except you didn’t really write that book, you co-authored it with a dozen other people. And you’re not … Continue reading
Every January my readers eagerly await annual predictions and for the first time ever I got several emails about things “not to do, things that won’t matter” and I figured it was time to something funny. But before I get … Continue reading
One of the most difficult things to discuss with my partners is the obsession with process and details. As a former techie and a developer, I understand, you want to bring the same sense of analytics, control and testing to … Continue reading
Email is a commodity as far as IT goes. Has been for a better part of a decade and with the few exceptions (compliance, audit, disaster recovery) not a highly profitable task without massive scale. Two years ago we started … Continue reading
Now I know these sorts of posts aren’t popular (after all, everyone wants uninformed predictions about 2016 ala Nostradumbass of IT) but they are necessary. As you know, I’m a huge fan of not fighting the calendar and doing business … Continue reading
There is a reason why 40oz beer comes in a plastic bottle, they know that by the time your life has fallen to the point that you’ve pounded one by yourself some bloodshed is about to occur. Or in the … Continue reading
Every now and then I have what I like to call existential crisis conversations with my partners: I don’t know what I’m going to do next?!?! And to an extent, I understand why some people get into this frenzy – … Continue reading
When you’re in my position you get to hear a lot of pitches, ideas and schemes that could learn to great riches.. if only they had a ton of money. You’ve all heard it before “You need to spend money … Continue reading