Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
Welcome to Vladville. This is typically when I’d get on a long-winded, insult-laced, grammatically-abusive explanation of something very obvious and basic. Really, common sense that is apparent to anyone that took more than 5 minutes to think about things. But … Continue reading
And now… Mr. Justin Timberlake sings to the MSP industry: About a year and a half ago my company took an amazing risk to go into the cloud services head first. We took a ton of partners with us. Scary … Continue reading
I have to hand it to this guy, I never thought to use my employees identities to secure business loans: WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — A prominent Westchester County businessman has admitted that he stole his employees’ identities to secure … Continue reading
Employees seeking work are often frustrated by the apparent ignorance and disrespect dished out by the employers and associated HR practices. Having been on the side of a person looking for work, I feel for you and understand your frustration. … Continue reading
Most marketing is crap. Even the more visually appealing ones tends to be slimy, underhanded and at best misleading. Let’s assume for the sake of the argument that there isn’t much you can do about that because regardless of the … Continue reading
To sum it up: I am considering shutting down the Own Web Now Partner program. If you’re interested, intrigued or insulted please read on. I am writing this blog post 30,000 ft in the air, on my way to one … Continue reading
Happy Monday! Enjoying the beautiful Las Vegas after going to sleep on the west coast schedule and waking up on the east coast schedule. My brain is shot so I figured I’d offer you some of the idle cycles of … Continue reading
True conversation from earlier today, partner/friend of years that seems to be stuck in the past, finding the future isn’t for working out for him: Bob: Economy sucks. Vlad: Really? Bob: Yes. Vlad: Are you selling anything new? Bob: Nobody … Continue reading
I’m blogging this at 30,000 ft aboard Airtran 737 – and by the time you read this on Sunday, I will be living the Pirates of the Carribean scene: “So you just layed around on the beach and drank rum?” … Continue reading
I am really looking forward to the MSP University bootcamp this week. It’s in Baltimore at the end of this week and is my last big thing for this quarter before we get into the summer of announcements. I’m excited … Continue reading