Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
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Category Archives: IT Business
Chronic Payment Latency Syndrome, or CPLS, is the modern version of “check is in the mail” and is something your A/R can share with you along with many funny stories. Things like: My card was lost/stolen 2 weeks ago, Amex … Continue reading
I really enjoy reading biased H1-B articles that pin the unemployment market against the evil corporations that need highly skilled workers. You can read one here, published on Friday. One notable quote jumps out: Businesses like Google (GOOG), Intel (INTC), … Continue reading
My last post titled Game Over raised some eyebrows. I got a ton of very interesting feedback from all over the spectrum (as far as I can match you to your revenue/company size within OWN via SM). The responses fall … Continue reading
It’s the second quarter of the year, time to write one serious post without the Vladville act. I’ve decided to make this once-a-quarter event as to not distract the audience withe unfortunate reality (but tremendous opportunity) we find ourselves in. … Continue reading
I’ve blogged repeatedly about some mistakes we’ve made during the growth surge that has not yet showed any sign of slowing down. Initially, we focused on just keeping things going and fixing things as they broke. Then we fixed things, … Continue reading
Mark Crall handed me a book yesterday with the following line: “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”. I think at times in the IT industry we spend far too much time standing at the … Continue reading
One of the hardest things in business is making business decisions that are clearly against your principles and what you believe in, all for the sake of profits. But as we are seeing with each passing day, the focus is … Continue reading
Game… over.
Yesterday I wrote about the fact that there is a lot we can learn from people that failed in business because books are often written by people that win talking about how awesome they are, not by those that fail … Continue reading
Over the past year I’ve brought a lot of focus to the defunct and failing IT shops, for some reason none of my blogging friends in the SMB space have decided to talk about it. Is this merely a case … Continue reading