Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
Happy Easter. Happy Easter Bunny Day. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. If you’re lucky, you got Friday off and made it a 3 day weekend. If you’re even luckier, you’re going to take tomorrow off as well. If you’re … Continue reading
About 18 months ago I started blogging more extensively about business, trying to offer some perspective about what is going on in the SMB space, emergence of cloud services and eventually the unfortunate recession. If you saw it early enough, … Continue reading
The other day I updated my facebook/twitter, rejoycing about how well we’re doing: ExchangeDefender – seven months ahead of goals for 2009 & competitors employees sending over resumes. Jose, a Microsoft PAL from Slovenia asked if this was a sign … Continue reading
This is probably one of those long flow posts that goes on for pages but I will make it rather quick as I’m just waiting for a quick SM replication job to complete. Right now, your smaller peers in this … Continue reading
Michael Jordan was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame today. Here is one of the quotes from his trainer: “Michael would go for 40 or 50 points one night, and the next morning he was right back at it … Continue reading
There are days when I feel things I learn about business totally devalue my college education. Filing this under “they didn’t teach me about this in school” is the experience of adjusting to the circumstances and accepting that sometimes… well, … Continue reading
Today was an exciting day – I finally took the wraps off what we’ve built and how we’re changing this game when it comes to professional services. In my casually slimy way, I went around the room asking what attendees … Continue reading
The goal behind marketing is to attract attention. There are many ways to do it, most of them immensely expensive. Over the years we’ve come up with a “Slimy Vendor Whore” concept. It started with a vendor, which then became … Continue reading
New Rule: Don’t talk to ANYONE after doing the SPAM Show. Friday afternoons, which during the fixing-OWN-crap timeline used to go to catching up on stuff and kicking ass, have recently turned to the SPAM Show afternoons which are bar … Continue reading
Here we go, more “Woe is me, I hate dem injuns, they took oooor jobs!” story from Financial Times. I know that there is a popular misconception that everyone in India walks around with a masters in business administration and … Continue reading