Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: IT Business
Conversation I often have with my wife: Katie: What’s on your mind?Vlad: I have to get this done by tomorrow.Katie: Aren’t you the boss? Turn it in late?Vlad: Nah. What “Nah” actually means Part of being the boss and being … Continue reading
Gotta vent for a sec because I keep on running into this. The worst thing about being nice is that you get no credit for it. But you get exploited for it at every turn. When I fuck up, even … Continue reading
Sometimes as a business owner you have to put your foot down and say: No, I will not do stupid things. But then you realize just how many stupid people are walking around with stupid amounts of cash and the … Continue reading
Long story short: one. Is your business a highly skilled technology provider or a flea market with a bunch of random crap? Because, shocker, only one of the two is a high paying / high margin enterprise. On my world … Continue reading
Today I had a remarkably good day, the kind you only dream of as a business owner. I hung out with my kids and my wife in the morning, got in to work at about 9am, had a few meetings … Continue reading
I’ve made my opinions of the SMB IT events very clear in the past and given some of the humorous proposals we’ve gotten so far I can assure you we’ll continue to chop away at our schedule of 2014 conferences. … Continue reading
It’s the new year and the opportunity for every blowhard to blindly toss their darts on the wall of IDC and Gartner data and proclaim the next cash cow. And with that in mind, the future is robots and drones … Continue reading
My head is spinning from all the amazing conversations I’ve had this week and I wanted to offer a bit of an explanation regarding my animosity towards VC involvement in the SMB space. As I hinted previously I am working … Continue reading
Thanks for your concern, I appreciate it. Pretty misplaced though. Things have been going so well that it’s hard to believe and I’m one of those folks that doesn’t really get much easy in business: so when everything is going … Continue reading
Before I share some seemingly pessimistic and insensitive commentary, that is written in a hope of helping motivate you, let me say that I understand and I relate: I too am pissed off about not getting stuff I don’t deserve. … Continue reading