Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
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Category Archives: IT Business
Another RMM & PSA business.. poof. Except this time they didn’t even bother putting up an elaborate lie about “becoming more competitive, better resources, nothing will change” – instead a hand written “Please flush twice” sign. But hey, it wouldn’t … Continue reading
I’d honestly like to know. If you’d like to see why and what we’re doing (disclaimer: this is a vendor event skewed towards ExchangeDefender and what we do) feel free to join us. In particular, when dealing with small business … Continue reading
It’s been a busy week at ExchangeDefender so I’ve slacked off on Vladville. Gonna make it up right now: Many of you are new to Vladville (readership keeps on growing or the botnet keeps on spreading, not sure which) so … Continue reading
As Eminem said: It’s over. Let go. Nobody wants to build servers no mo. At least not in the SMB space. Those are facts, like them or not. Unsurprisingly, The League of Extraordinarily Unreasonable IT Gentlemen begs to differ. (you’ll … Continue reading
Interesting times in the MSP industry. If you’re paying attention it seems that the MSP industry these days is more about the mismanaged MSP vendors than the MSP companies that make up their rapidly disgruntled client base. I had a … Continue reading
I was chatting with a friend the other day about the typical regrets, wishes, hopes and so on when it comes to work satisfaction. I kind of approach this from a different angle because I mostly see my value / … Continue reading
No, not talking about Microsoft killing the TechNet subscription service – and ultimately signaling the end of life for IT Professionals who aren’t Developers – but the career in technology that involves managing servers, services, switches, hardware, software and so … Continue reading
Every now and then I write a blog post that just digs me further into the ground. While I generally tend to ignore the negative nastygrams that come as a result of it (perception is perception, if you misread something … Continue reading
May we live in interesting times. It’s important to know what the mission of the business happens to be. Yes, the purpose of every business at it’s core is to generate the profits and act in the best interest of … Continue reading
Briefly interrupting the vacation to say this out loud.. half because everyone has been nagging and asking, half because I’m waiting for my laundry cycle to finish. The recent takeovers of LPI and nAble have sent a virtual frenzy of … Continue reading