Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
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Category Archives: IT Business
I’m going to make this very simple so you don’t have to read a lot to understand what I’m trying to say: If there are things you don’t like about your business they are your fault. Everything else is just … Continue reading
If you’re lucky, smart, at the right place at the right time, with the right service, trusted reputation and a solid plan you have a chance of running a good business. Then things get really hard. In part due to … Continue reading
In business it’s nice to win big. Doesn’t always happen so when it does – enjoy it. It’s more important to lose small. And often. So long as you’re learning from it – not that you will ever learn how … Continue reading
So about 2 years ago when we launched Shockey Monkey Free the platform got a ton of interest and lots of people were interested in integrating, investing and outright buying us out. I’ve talked to about a dozen companies about … Continue reading
I’m not quite sure just how vulgar this is supposed to be considering that “open letters” tend to be canned, massively edited, PR angled hack jobs by the CEO minions but I’ll give it a try in a way that … Continue reading
As of February, ExchangeDefender is over 16 years old. In that time I’ve made many mistakes and learned a lot of lessons the hard way. One of the blessings in business is to live long enough to have the time … Continue reading
I’ve been watching the recent doomsday reports (make that “factual accounts of actual sales worldwide”) about how the PC is dying, how Windows 8 is the main culprit, and the industry in general is imploding. First of all, this isn’t … Continue reading
On Monday I posted the following Facebook update: By Wednesday, all of the code, bugfix and testing were in place and Shockey Monkey was rocking the 2013 version of clippy. Whether you loved or loathed Clippy, the idea was brilliant … Continue reading
I spend a fair bit of my time considering doomsday scenarios – it’s a part of responsible business ownership to consider and plan for contingencies that may impact the business model. Many people believe otherwise, that only small course corrections … Continue reading
This is regarding the blog post I made on Monday announcing ExchangeDefender’s XD LiveOnline! Workshop training series. To sum it up, it’s a free 4 hour at-your-desk training seminar for MSP business owners and employees. Our ExchangeDefender and Shockey Monkey … Continue reading