Whats on Vlad’s Mind?
For the less coherent, more grammatically correct realtime insight, follow me on Twitter at @vladmazek or on Facebook.
Category Archives: Vladville
Hard to believe that it’s been 5 years since I retired and nearly 3 years since I logged out of most socials & blogs. While I’ve really been enjoying the peace and quiet, I find myself in a similar predicament … Continue reading
Doublesided post.. Changes to this blog and Dealing with Change.. First a little bit of housekeeping. For the past few weeks I’ve been working more closely with our partners at ExchangeDefender as a result of shutting down the partner program … Continue reading
I’ll make this brief as I’ve discussed this subject before but I’m reminded of it’s truth every day in just about everything I do. Ready? Success is not so much a factor of ___ (insert any random motivational garbage that … Continue reading
I have a quick piece of advice I’d like to share with you. Win big. Lose small and often. As you build your business or businesses and manage different strategies and goals you will inevitably fail at most of them. … Continue reading
Yesterday ExchangeDefender posted the biggest month both on revenue and profits. ExchangeDefender is booming thanks to Essentials ($0.50/user/month), the cloud is taking off with our premium offering that will include Lync (launch in May) and to be honest I’d love … Continue reading
I’m not about to share anything worthwhile. Tomorrow you’ll find out what I’ve been up to for the past year or so, I hope you join us for the webinar at noon. ExchangeDefender as a company has roughly another year … Continue reading
This is not a post about religion or politics. If you disagree with my opinion please keep it to yourself, I will delete any comment relating to a flame war that typically comes out of anything that touches someone’s religious … Continue reading
As some of you may know, I have been out of day-to-day operations of OWN during the last two months welcoming a beautiful new baby boy, Sam Mazek, to our family. Today, I officially come back full time (and then … Continue reading
I have been encouraged by a lot of my friends not to write this post because at times my honesty plays a significant detriment to my message / agenda. So I sat on it for a little while. Here is … Continue reading
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, young Vlad set out to write a free PSA. He failed, big time. The longer he kept on lying to himself about the next beta being useful, the further away … Continue reading