Category Archives: Vladville

Does positive reinforcement make you want to do more?

Vladville, Web 2.0

Last night I was bouncing a couple of emails with a fairly influential person in the small business sector, very good friend as well because he somehow managed to be more hated by Microsoft than I am, something that definitely … Continue reading

Whois Sunset & Privacy

IT Culture, Vladville, Web 2.0

From the Captain Obvious Department: Internet has changed since Al Gore invented it. ICAAN, the international body governing the top level domain policies, is meeting tomorrow to decide the faith of the whois system, originally designed to help organizations identify … Continue reading

Two more Windows Mobile phones you shouldn’t buy

Exchange, Mobility, Vladville

This has been on my mind for a little while now and sometimes the fanboy eyeglaze needs to wear off before you evaluate things for what they are. I will never buy another Windows Mobile phone until Microsoft stands behind … Continue reading

Hacked Apple OSX Leopard on your PC


I don’t know why anyone would ever want to try this but OS X 10.5 “Leopard” has already been hacked for installation on a PC. You need a single layer DVD copy of Leopard that you can get off and … Continue reading

I want that bigass blue thing


Ok, so a slight delay in the hints of whats going on because I’m drunk. I forgot margaritas fix everything and I have already sent my official DrunkSMS to Dave Sobel (we exchange them on weekends). Anyhow… Yes. The blue pacific … Continue reading

Who or What are you building your business on top of?

IT Business, Microsoft, Vladville

I’m still alive, thanks for checking on me. No, it’s not the survey, I still haven’t had the chance to look at the results (Note to self: record the SQL password and db name next time). No dear friends, nothing … Continue reading

Survey: Who Are You?


Had lunch earlier with one of my girlfriends and I was telling her about all the stuff thats coming to Vladville and all the stuff I’m doing. Talked about the content, the audience, etc and she asked one interesting question: … Continue reading

Of Asses and Dumptrucks


Every Sunday / Monday I try to offer you a little inspirational story of a lesson I learned the hard way; Seeing how I’m in the process of learning one at the moment (wife out of town, kissed that “6 … Continue reading

What a difference a year makes…

IT Culture, Vladville, Web 2.0

For what its worth, if you’ve ever wanted to visit Florida, this would be the time. The weather is absolutely phenomenal. But if you have to be stuck indoors, looking at the world through the web eyes, the world seems … Continue reading

Can you hear me SPAM?

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The SPAM out there is getting even more ridiculous now. First it was plain text, then obfuscated text, attachments, then images, then PDFs. But today, today takes the cake. Today we’re expected to listen to SPAM. So, prepare to see … Continue reading