What’s your beef with Tesla?


I was recently asked why I hated Tesla so much. “Did Elon kick your puppy or something?”

fuckyouandyourpriusTo be honest, I hate all electric cars. From golf carts to Tesla. It’s just that I think Tesla cars, inside out, are perhaps the ugliest things ever made. From the original roadster that took the ugliest British car ever made (and you know you’re digging deep when you’re taking stuff even the British consider ugly) Lotus Elise panels, to the current Model S which looks like stuff that even Ford wouldn’t come up all the way to the newly unleashed Tesla Pontiac Aztek.. err, Model X. But I hate all of them. I hate them because they have no soul. Yes, I’ve driven more than one.

I don’t want to dismiss the benefits of electric vehicles – Never having to visit a gas station sounds appealing. So does the fact that you can charge your Tesla for free at many superchargers around the country. Ditto for the ability to have solar panels that provide free energy and free miles. The features are great if you only view your vehicle as a factor of transportation. If you get no joy from driving, if you don’t find any appeal in vehicle design, if you don’t enjoy the sensation from the ability to control then electric is an answer to your prayers. There is no arguing technical green facts. But how do I put this in a classy and delicate way

Suggesting to someone that loves driving that we’ll all be driving electric cars in the future is as appealing as a proposition to only have sex with ones wife with a huge dildo. Hint: You’re missing out on a whole lot of fun.

Now, if you’re dead inside, I understand. Nisan Leaf looks like a perfectly adequate vehicle. And if you’re from Western Europe you probably see no issue at all in a family vehicle being a Vespa with a kid basket in the back. Why, civilized people use public transportation.

But. And again, with all due respect… fuck you. And the golf cart you rode in on. I don’t want to hit the brakes to turn the corner, I want to pull the ebrake and swing around it.

I don’t want an automatic transmission and neutered mufflers, I want to understand how this 3 ton beast I’m inside is somewhat related to physics.

I don’t want another computer screen and regenerative brake stats, I want the blood pumping through my veins like a cocaine junkie that just got his last hit in a week as I’m on E and that light and every alert/gauge is flashing about the empty fuel tank.

I don’t want a car with safety systems written by the cheapest programmer you could find on oDesk, I want a beast with steel, carbon and a hundred+ years of engineering in line with Newtonian laws. No thanks Google, I don’t want the idea of rebooting my brakes as I’m about to hit an 18 wheeler in my plastic car the size of a clown car.

But most of all.. by Allah.. To all you retards hypermiling and “driving as if you have no brakes” – No, you have brakes, drive up to the light and stop, if I see you gliding down the street towards a traffic light I am buying a monster truck and driving right over your ass.

Note: Meant in a satirical way. It is none of my business how you have sex with your wife. But I am totally interested in a monster truck driving over a pile of electric cars.

Self Help Guide To People In A Need Of A Bitchslap

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buddha-225x300It’s time for New Years Resolutions and Prediction blog posts, or as I like to call it: Strategically avoiding work by coming up with potential work that you’re not doing because it’s not really important to you. Doubt that? Here is my example: Every day I look in the mirror I see a huge spare tire around my otherwise normal looking 12 year old girl body. Is it important to me not to be fat? Of course. Is it more important to me than hot dogs with bacon toppings or prosciutto and brie snacks? The mirror answers that question pretty well and I don’t have a six pack for a reason. I’m OK with that.

You should also come to terms with the parts of your life or business that you dislike but don’t dislike enough to change. And here is a really fucked up part:

If you really had the capacity to have resolve and restraint, how did you end up in your situation to begin with?

Resolve to stop bullshitting yourself: You don’t like to sell. You’re not good at marketing. You like doing shit that doesn’t materially impact your company/career. Focus on winning the Ms. Congeniality award instead.

Do and Don’t Of People Who Aren’t Pathetic

Do come up with small plans. Personally, I don’t do annual plans: I don’t have the attention span to do anything for more than two weeks. In fact, two weeks in Vladville may as well be eternity. If you’re going to do something, do something small and get in the groove.

Do not come up with vague objectives. Whatever you do better be measurable and documented. Write it down. Throw a reminder in your calendar to remind you to check how you’re doing.

Do not share you’re your objectives. If this is not something that directly benefits/hurts those around you, don’t share it. Again, honesty, you got into this for a reason and likely on your own. You don’t need people around you “supporting” you. If you can’t stop yourself from eating the 16th hot dog at the all-you-can-eat BBQ then what is the point of having people around you avoid hot dogs if at the first sight of one you lose control. Through the damn gauntlet, if you can’t learn discipline you’re just bound to be right back where you started at.

Do come up with a punishment. Most people only think of rewards. Tough love moment here – if positive reinforcement worked on you then you wouldn’t have stuff to change, you’d easily motivate yourself to change anything you disliked immediately and you wouldn’t have resolutions. Besides, who really gets hurt if you don’t make that one more sales call, followup or cross of another to-do item? Exactly, it can wait till tomorrow and nobody is around to slap you. So slap yourself.


Like I said, while I have a general idea of what I need to do in the following year, I have weekly or monthly plans at best. And in my world (and yours) the only finite item is: time.

So with a schedule that is already packed… I ask myself: If I am about to implement this change, where does the time come out of? Maybe I’m alone at this.. but my mediocre effort almost always produces pitiful results. I am only effective when I am at something 100%, 100% of the time. So if I’m taking up something, what else am I willing to see go to shit? But that’s just me.

Even though I’m on the border of the millennial generation, nobody has ever given me shit. Once you have to build your own business and work for every dollar you get a more sincere appreciation for the value of time and just how much more, proportionally, effort it’s going to take to make an additional dollar. Which is something many employees will never understand, as they expect a raise just because they did the job they were paid to do. And if you share that mentality, maybe you should be working for someone too.

So calculate your tradeoffs, look at your objectives, keep them to yourself, measure them and kick yourself in the nuts every time you fail yourself.

The worst thing about business that nobody tells you

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Once upon a time in the long long ago, right after college, I went for an interview with a Fortune 50 company and after a few interviews for an engineering job they went with someone else. About a week later they called me back and wanted me to come in and discuss a VP role. Quote: “You just seemed too sociable and too friendly to work in engineering long term and we think you’d do better leading the place”; few more interviews, all day meetings and calls with different offices later they again chose someone else. I was pretty bitter about that for a long time but it was good to be crushed at such an early age:

High profile jobs, with few exceptions, are not given. They are earned.

hustle-defintionThat’s not the lesson, I’ll get to that in a moment. Bringing in outside talent to an already thriving organization breeds disloyalty and crushes the corporate culture that is built on climbing the ladder. Why climb at all? Because to lead effectively and grow not just the profits but the team it’s about far more than just being qualified. It took me a while to figure that out.

Now.. what I’m about to tell you is not something a book can be written about because it’s not glorified feel-good bullshit people tend to seek out while they fantasize their way out of the daily struggles to manage and grow a business. Here is the truth.

Making money is hard. Sustaining it over the long haul it’s extremely difficult.

And that’s the way it should be.

The sooner you accept that – the better off things will be. It’s hard, it’s brutal, it’s without external motivation and very few people are cut out to do it. That’s business.

I have disagreed on this topic with many of my ex employees. Among the more triumphant failures I’ve tried to mentor are scores of stay at home moms, SEO experts, multilevel marketing sales frauds, sandwich flippers, family business part timers and other lifescapers who thought they knew better. I wish them all the best. But in so many ways I feel sorry for them and for the day when they look for a real job again and realize what HR does to resumes that have large holes between jobs and how hard their “willingness to work” will be questioned some day. But that’s their problem, not yours if you are trying to build a strong organization.

In a workforce full of dreamers is the reality of overworked and underpaid people who channel their frustration into solutions and success. If you think about what it took to build your business, that most certainly describes you. And while peons and dreamers will come and go, the people that can make it through the thick and thin are the ones that will be there for the long term and will ultimately succeed in the long term.

Not really a feel good motivational tidbit, is it? But it’s the truth. While people are stuck daydreaming about working at Google and being given a free paycheck and time to go find themselves on spiritual journeys through Indonesia (of which I’m almost certain there are like 6 people with those choices just for the sake of PR) the rest of the people are grinding it out like everyone else.

Don’t dream. Work. It doesn’t get easier, you just make more money. People that win have the mentality that it isn’t about the temporary annoyances but about smashing long term expectations.

And that pursuit, of overcoming adversity while excelling at your craft, is what careers are made of. And damn it feels good when you finally make it. Maybe it’s for you, maybe it’s not but I’ll tell you what – earning something always beats being given something and it sure as hell beats holding a sign asking for $15 an hour for a job that people beat you down at.

Two of the most obvious secrets to success

IT Business

That nobody talks about because nobody can get paid off of them.

holeIn my new life in the cash business I spend bulk of my time exchanging ideas with some very smart people that spend a lot of time pouring over government employment and economy reports, of which this past week was full. Long story short, it sucks to be poor in America and it’s going to suck even more. But I don’t want to talk about bashing the poor, I want to talk about the business practices that will keep you out of the hole. Namely, two of them:

Avoid Envy

I’ve never really understood the passive complex of sitting around and expecting someone else to give me a cut just because they are doing better than me. If anything, it’s always been a mentality of finding out who is doing well and trying to do what they are doing.

If you’re sitting around in the paralysis over comparative analytics (which is what many of you that went out of business constantly questioned me about).. just stop. Worry about your own business. Beyond knowing what is working and what others are charging it’s on you to build a profitable business. Otherwise just go buy a franchise.

Be Flexible

There are tons of opportunities out there. Tons of really great paying jobs. Great career advancement possibilities and perks. The only trouble is, nobody wants to move to Buttfuck, South Dakota or #holyshittherentishowmuch, San Francisco.

Far too many people get hard headed about things other than making money and then wonder why they eventually can’t make more than scraps. The line of “forget the cloud, I’m making thousands in margin on every Cisco device I move” is stretching around the unemployment office (where you’ll find those same masterminds). 

Long story short

Find out what others are doing and if they are doing well, copy them. Even if it’s uncomfortable, little money is better than no money and I don’t care what the late night infomercial or unemployment IT festival speakers told you: making money is hard. So just come to terms with it that nobody is going to cheer you up, everyone will try to beat you down – and unless they are about to do your work for you f em and just keep on working.

Do those two and everything is gonna be alright. Or preoccupy yourself with the circus and you’ll soon find yourself in it.

Your choice.


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I don’t know about you;


But I know I don’t want to be an old man in a retirement home some day content at how well I balanced my life and held back.

Each day is a gift. Find what you love and give it 100%. In business. With family. With hobbies. In life.

You don’t know when your time will come, all you know is that you don’t have enough of it so don’t let it slip. It moves way too fast.


P.S. Particularly to my fellow friends and partners in business. I’ve made so many of you a lot of money. Use it. As entrepreneurs we live in an environment where nobody encourages us – because nobody has anything to gain from it. It’s just an ever revolving circus of scam artists and crooks parading around to exploit your insecurities – about what you aren’t doing, about what you don’t belong to, about what you should be thinking, how your wife will leave you because you work too hard – and not a single one of them gets to live your life or pay for your mistakes. So go do what makes you happy and give it your all. If you’re lucky, you get to do it again tomorrow. And fuck anyone who tells you otherwise 🙂

What’s worse than being poor?

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As some of you know, I graduated from the University of Florida and contribute a bit of $ to their general scholarship fund on a frequent basis. I was fortunate enough to get a free ride thanks to the people that failed at elementary school math (aka “Florida Lottery” aka Bright Futures Scholarship) and it’s one of the ways that I like to give back. But one of my friends suggested I’m not really helping the poor:

“You’re giving money to people that already have decent enough standard of living that they managed to make it through high school, apply and enroll at UF, make their way to Gainesville and you’re just offsetting low interest loans they would otherwise be stuck with.

So you’re doing more about the middle class here than the poor.”

Indeed I am. At which point my buddy was a little perplexed and bewildered. And without taking any more of a shot at the poor, I feel that the government taxes should help cover food, shelter and other assistance for the truly poor in our society – they are pretty much the only ones with infrastructure and policy control to do so. I’m happy to pay more in taxes as well.

From middle class to poverty

Nobody in the third world would look at the standard of living in United States and consider it anything less than lavish. And if there is anything you have an opportunity to do here it’s the opportunity to live “The American Dream”

Unfortunately for far too many people that means expecting to live the American dream without the ability to afford it: We’re bombarded by the notion that everyone can afford a new car, carry an iPhone, Louis Vuitton purse and rock designer sunglasses. That everyone can live in a very nice neighborhood, take a two week vacation, save for retirement.. and hell, while we’re at it why not also a vacation home and heck one of us can stay at home and hang out with the kids. Hey, I know, let’s go to Vegas and push our luck at gambling too! #whatcouldgowrong

The numbers just don’t add up. Only actually rich and extremely well off (and stable) can manage to do that. Unfortunately, too many people indulge in that lifestyle but forget to save, forget to build and are instead left with that empty feeling that no matter how well things are going they are never quite good enough. Cause the guy down the street has more and damn it I need more too! So then they go into debt, whether voluntarily or due to an unforeseen emergency or setback.

I can’t help these folks either.

I’d like to help people that have a chance and ambition

Way too many people out there are working really hard and are one bit of bad luck away from losing it all. One rent payment away from being homeless, one big car issue away from losing their job. When you look at the numbers, an astonishing number of educated people have no savings and carry student loan debt that will take them nearly a decade to pay off.

And nobody gives a shit about them. Because they are young, “stupid and have the whole life ahead of them to learn” as I’ve heard often.

I’ve built my company and a major chunk of my wealth off that crowd so that is where I choose to make my contribution. In hope that some of those folks can start saving, can start putting away debt, can start building businesses and productive assets that will put them in the same place I’m in. 

I don’t do it to be selfish or narcissistic to only look to support the people that are like me – It’s just that it’s the way that I’ve lived and lucked out so I feel it’s my responsibility to increase those odds for others. You can’t help everyone but that doesn’t mean you can look down on any kind of a handout. Help is help.

Enjoy The Silence

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Forgive me the lord for I have sinned. It has been 3 weeks since my confession. Apparently, some of you have noticed, so when I hinted I was working on something my buddy Julian nailed it:

“Vlad’s (de) Motivational Blog… Woo… Another face full of sand kicked in your face by the man at the top of the pyramid…”

Words are so very unnecessary – but I’m getting constant requests for info and business advice or money that one way or another always makes my advice sound like just too much hard work and bullshit that will take too damn long. So here is the cycle:

Cycle of Vlad Advice

I suggest something that everyone else isn’t doing. Immediately condemned as something that won’t work for edge case clients. I start building and proving a business concept. Further dismissed as too difficult, too unproven, too immature. I make myself and tons of my partners millions of dollars. Get accused of being too early, working too hard. I continue to do this for years, under the same flag, with one project after another. This apparently makes me abrasive, rude, disrespectful towards people that doubted the advice, ignored the advice, failed and now can’t handle the reality of what running a business is actually like. It’s easy to know what to do, it’s difficult as hell to actually pull it off, consistently, over time.

Which brings me to the question, lately, of wglennbeckswastikacardhy it’s worth to put out stuff in the open in the first place. For me, it’s a self serving process that opens up my stupidity and gathers enormous amount of feedback which eventually helps me beat the odds. But why the hell are you reading this? As a Fox News-like distraction is the most entertaining answer for me because I’d really like to stand in front of a chalk board and compare Google to Stalin & Hitler. But I digress.

I’m happy to do this for the people that are working like crazy on stuff because it isn’t easy. The whole “We choose to go to the moon because it’s hard” notion implemented in small business is about being the first, about informing and guiding clients, about implementing things nobody else wants to and being able to help move things forward instead of whining about why things aren’t working.

So if you’re doing it and it works, turn up the speakers and hit play. If you’re doing it and it’s not working, turn up the speakers, hit play and work harder. If you’re just sitting around, trying to break up a slow Monday, wondering what you’re missing and why stars just aren’t aligning while you’re dealing the crack from your vendors that have a gun pointed at your head.. well, hate on.

In case the embedded video doesn’t work, click here.


And sometimes blog something Smile

Scaling Back

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I’ve hinted about this on the blog over the past few months.. but the news is that I’ve completed my scaling back/out of the day-to-day operations at ExchangeDefender. I’m still the CEO, still the owner, still here almost every day of the week – but I’m no longer the person that will be here obsessively & compulsively involved in anything and everything you do.

Such a person is necessary in every small business. But once it matures and the foundations of a management team are built, an OCD person at the helm is no longer necessary. The process, operations, documentation and everything that makes that business grow and building & scaling that business is done differently.

In other words – I’m dedicating all my time to what I’m good at and empowering the great people that work for me.

vladceoNow that I have the Dilbert-style bullshit out of the way.. the truth is that we’ve become a big company and that I’m no longer a 20-something that had no problem working 80+ hour weeks to buy a Ferrari. Today I’m the CEO of ExchangeDefender, I’m working on Shockey Monkey and I started a financial business. I’m also a father and I had to make a decision on whether I wanted to be a weekend dad or if I wanted that responsibility 7 days of the week. I had a wonderful summer vacation with my two boys and I made a decision that being involved more in their lives and raising them right was more important than leaving a few more 0’s in their trust fund.

On a mental level, and this is so retarded I feel like bitchslapping myself for writing it, managing a big business is not what drives me. When you luck out and make an obscene amount of money, the tolerance for bullshit that you need to put up with to make just a little bit more feels enormous. And it’s not just the day-to-day stuff, it’s that for the most part things we do take weeks-months-years to play out and I just don’t have that attention span anymore. How do you know you’re no longer fit to be the most important person in the business? When that business serves people and the sound of the phone ringing is seen as an annoyance. I hate to say it but it’s true.

The summer off was a great test run for what this place would look like with me only being a CEO. It passed. The people that surround me are better at the job than I am, the direction we are moving in requires scale and man hours, the opportunity we have now (since most of our competitors are either gone or struggling) is greater than it’s ever been and I look forward to navigating it.

I took a long honest look at what I’ve built, where we are going and whether I had it in me to put in the kind of effort I used to put in. And as I’ve written here countless times, you can’t halfass it. The people that work here and our customers deserve better than what I felt I could deliver… so I’m making it happen – by bringing more aboard and pushing it forward.

What’s this actually mean?

1. I’ve already resigned or pulled out of all the industry/association/peer group/advisory council/feedback monkey/development forum/yadayada.

2. I’ve told my team not to expect me to go to industry events. No, not even the ones that come to Orlando. I know that sounds embarrasing but if someone wants to see me our place is very easy to find, we’re in the tallest building in the city.. Unless it’s a cool vacation spot, visiting Vegas in the summer and Boston in the winter is just not happening.

3. I will not be involved in day-to-day operations. So if you ping me at 4 AM on Facebook asking what’s going on with X, Y and Z I’ll go through the very same process you go through – pick up the phone and give a guy a call #putpagagac

4. I probably won’t be answering the phone. I’m sure lots of people are laughing at this one – but if you need me I’ll still be here send me an appointment request.

5. I will let my monkeys get a lot more social. Up until now people had a bit of freedom but whenever something serious was being discussed they would bring it up to me or get my approval.  So things should move a bit faster now that they aren’t waiting for me.

P.S. Why not just sell? At our size, few places could afford us. And the strategic play for an acquired company with high profits is to cut the expenses (read: shittier service) and either load up with debt or roll up. That’s not what I sold my clients – and I think that strategically underestimates the opportunity that we have with the corporate communications demands. Why are other MSP vendors being acquired left and right for pennies on the dollar and why are MSP geniuses getting jobs left and right? Aside from running their businesses like it’s 1999, it’s because the pool of MSPs is shrinking and the number of opportunities is becoming limited as well. Why is Vlad not spending all his time talking about his migrations service? Well, because we are doing it, and because (if you attended any of those webinars) you’ve already heard me say the following: I don’t need all of you to jump aboard on this. I just need one person per area code. With the ExchangeDefender migrations business we go from desktop to server to mobile and do the hard grunt work for our partners – which gives them speed, scale and growth others have to build organically or overpay through the M&A – and really, to what end? I’ve made my thoughts on VC and industry direction quite clear on this blog for the past decade – and in just about everything I’ve been proven to be right on the money. So why would I want to give that up? What I didn’t count on.. is that one day I’d grow up and that I’d have more passion for different things.

Conflicting Messages

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Personal note: Sometimes I lose sight of how many new people come to Vladville every time I post something – god bless social networking, folks forward stuff around and like a boomerang I get buried in an avalanche of emails from a new audience. I’d venture to say at least 95% of my communication about this blog and the IT/SMB community in general flows through vlad@vladville.com so feel free to email me but sometimes.. honestly.. I just delete it all.

The other day I wrote about the #1 Problem the MSP Industry faces and in a nutshell it’s that nobody is interested in doing the low level grunt IT work of dealing with the mess businesses have with poorly thought out technology process and purchasing. This is a threat to vendors because there will be fewer people selling their junk, threat to service providers because there will be fewer talent interested in a career of IT plunging (get the visual?) and the entire ecosystem can collapse. I’ve gotten enough feedback on that post to write a thousand blog posts but instead I’ll just try to address some of the misconceptions.

“How can you be so negative on the MSP industry yet so positive on the MSP prospects?”

My buddy Norb actually laughed at me for calling it an industry. And yes if you go to an event it does look like the gong show.

There are two perspectives First, those of you new to Vladville may have misunderstood – I’m not a journalist. I’m a CEO of a technology company (ExchangeDefender) so I have an insight into what people are buying, what people are getting rid of, I talk to thousands of partners around the world and I also offer a free business management platform at Shockey Monkey. So I obviously have a business bias and a very large footprint of actual business data that I draw conclusions and opinions from – I’m not a research company analyst pulling numbers out of thin air because my English major college education left me mentally incompetent to tell what software and hardware business executives are lying to me about.

Second, I have a very large following through Vladville and a massive worldwide audience that I may not do any business with at all – so lots of IT employees, Shockey Monkey users, people I met at shows. This is my reality gauge, what are the people that don’t think exactly like me doing.

Explanation: We tend to form our opinions based on the evidence we only have direct access to and see with our own eyes. Hence my negativity towards the gong show, deception, lies and degeneration of leadership to people that should have a warning label on their face. But I have my business which is growing, I have numbers at Shockey Monkey which are growing, I’m investing in new and different services and I see a ton of potential for a way to make money.

“I’m still around so the notion that the business model of dealing with old technology is bad is wrong”

This argument is so old and so pointless I kind of don’t even want to touch it but I’ll say it again: If you go to a Radio Shack you can still by a VCR tape rewinder. Yes, Radio Shack is still out there – when was the last time you went to it? And yes, people still both build and sell VCR – so yes there is money in it but only like two companies do it and all thanks to scale. So maybe nothing really dies when it comes to technology, but just because something isn’t dead doesn’t mean companies should follow the same plan.

For tons of reasons. First, it’s hard to find lots of talent that will be excited about working on the legacy IT. Second, it’s hard to finance a technology that is slowing down in influence – so a startup or a small player doesn’t stand a chance at all. Third, the talent needed for it and third party support are hard and expensive to find (hence the $105k for a AIX / DB2 admin ad in the newspaper; their current DB admin is 90 years old and about to die and they need a replacement). You can go on for days.

Explanation: There are two wrong assumptions in the IT business – that you must chase every new fad and that you can build a massively growing and profitable business on a dying technology. Typical scare tactic “If you don’t get into this right now you will go out of business” and “There is still a ton of money in Windows XP upgrades that you can’t afford to miss” both ignore the fundamental need for every business survival: being rational about how money is spent and how easy it is to get a new profitable client.  

“Why do you constantly beat down the very same people that give you money?”

Some people are just negative by nature. So they look at my criticism of certain things here and they consider it to be a destructive force. I can’t really explain that, how exactly does a blog someone writes in his spare time produce a real and actual negative business impact? It’s just words.

Something I wrote got you butthurt? Good!

If something I wrote here makes you feel so insecure about it then work on fixing it. I don’t wake up every morning high fiving myself about how awesome I am, I look for areas in which I can improve and what I can be doing better.

World has enough insincere cheerleaders. They want you to feel good so you can buy their crap now – they have quarterly numbers to hit. I on the other hand want you to be better and build your business for the long term.

Explanation: Just because things are good doesn’t mean they can’t be better. I am not a cheerleader and I don’t write for the sake of my personal pleasure or for the hits – I write this blog because I can’t respond to thousands of emails that come to me and I’m tired of having the same conversation. I am trying to help IT and SMB folks grow and avoid mistakes and commit to discipline and long term improvement. If that sounds like a beatdown… perhaps you shouldn’t be reading this blog.

“The way I see it, complexity and mess means profits! Less competition? Good!”

Indeed. Except things don’t work like that in reality and that’s exactly the wrong kind of a business you want to have in the technology field unless you are a sadistic person that loves daily dose of pain and punishment.

For example, working with Windows XP. And not the pretty part of paving and reinstalling a box ravaged by a stream of viruses and no backups – I mean the ugly migration of a third party app that has to work with the specialized printer or other equipment that is obscenely expensive and way out of support. If that’s your dream job, rock on, carry on my wayward son. If that’s what you want to do till the day you die or retire…

Profits? Complexity means something entirely different in the IT world. It means very specialized, extremely expensive and time consuming to train workforce. It means long hours, uncertain project deadlines, anything can go wrong at any moment and oh god please tell me we’re charging for this by the hour.

Most IT companies don’t get lawyers wages. Most don’t have enough of that highly specialized workload to keep them busy which means that their most expensive labor is on a contract employment basis. And the profits are skinny.

Less competition being good sounds like it would make sense but.. in a slowing business opportunity cycle it’s cheaper and easier to acquire businesses to grow than it is to market and win new clients. Less competition also means less talent that could potentially work for you. Smaller ecosystem = bigger growth problems.

Explanation: Where most people have a hard time understanding this conflict is in their business process design. Are you building a business model with a 5 month or a 5 year expected life cycle? Some people don’t even think about a month out because they have a service business and their profit margin is fixed – so they aren’t making an investment in people, technology, training – hence the confusion. There is another twist here: growth. Are you building a business that’s going to grow at low single digit percentage or double to triple digit percentage? Depending on all these, you may have a different perspective.


Carrying on from the previous comment is a business model: I Just Wing It as a Service.

No shame in that, it’s a business and if it makes you money, I’m happy. It’s like that consulting meme – if you’re not a part of the solution there is good money to be made in prolonging the problem. Don’t mean to crap on you at all.

But again, perspective and business design. The goal is to build a long term growth business that can survive without you and that can be massively profitable without additional work. And that “scale” doesn’t come when you wing it, it comes when you invest.

There are two things you need to do in business (yes, only two): 1. Get paid. 2. Pay bills. Getting paid is something you can get creative about – but not paying your bills will get you messed up quick. So most businesses need to have a very predictable and very reliable cash flow. For almost all of us, that is dealing with legacy solutions that we are good at, that don’t change much and that we have minimized costs in over time.

Remember what I said about being rational – you can’t ignore things, you can’t irrationally chase everything, you can’t not invest in the future and you can’t have a business without a plan and a business model. If you think you can then go become a plumber – much better hours and people are actually happy not to fight over your rate if you’re holding the plunger and their office smells like shit.

Highly profitable businesses have 3 lines : legacy cash cows, currently developing operations and future investments.

For us, legacy is SPAM filtering. Currently we’re making a killing in hosted exchange and cloud services. The future for us is in service and business management / collaboration auditing. But that’s me – and believe me, I’m making a ton of money killing SPAM.

Most businesses fail to take the future investments seriously. Why? Well, it’s hard, it’s expensive, there is a great deal of risk and uncertainty. And they never build massively profitable companies. Why? Because the reward for that risk is being the first mover and making the legacy cash cow really, really, really fat faster.

Namely, people that pushed Exchange and the cloud stuff when I started to in 2007 already have tens of thousands of seats that they just collect payments for. Meanwhile guys that are fighting for them right now are getting those lazy businesses, with tons of baggage, difficult IT and tons of other problems – causing them more issues, more desktop time, etc. Could the investment in their marketing and deployment of Hosted Exchange been the same as betting a business on virtualization? Sure, and they would have been screwed. That’s why you don’t follow every idiot standing on the stage pretending they know your business better than you do. But hey, if you don’t know your business well enough to be able to make investments then you shouldn’t be running it. Back to the plunger.

Explanation: Some people are just risk averse. It’s a personal preference. Majority of the people I deal with though aren’t trying to defend their Windows XP business with a spork though – they want that cash cow that they don’t have to feed daily. The only way you get there is with long term planning, investments and risk. Don’t like risk, don’t want a fast paced fast growing company – that’s your choice and it’s not a bad thing. But most people I talk to want a new boat, longer vacation, Ferrari, paid college tuition, etc. Getting there is hard and that’s what I try to do.

In Conclusion

First, people read the written word and make opinions and impressions based on their own mood, experience, circumstances, etc. This is not the word of god, this is the word of Vlad and it’s just my opinion.

Second, I’m not a braindead cheerleader. My passion is helping people improve and grow, not give them a false sense of security and a free tshirt so they’ll like me.

Third, perspective is important – I write for and I’m the voice of the people I interact with. Lot’s of people. Around the world. In different industries.

And they are all looking for a way to grow and reach a level of financial security. So we have two options – we can all throw our $ on a big pile and start buying lottery tickets. Or we can slowly help each other improve one day at a time and make $ in the long term.

Now turn it up!

Have a great day Smile

The #1 Problem MSP Industry Faces

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Still on vacation so I haven’t been jaded enough by the daily grind to offer much of an opinion on Vladville but I did chat with a friend that attended a conference over the summer and he offered the following observation (paraphrased):

So there is tons of opportunity out there in tons of different directions.. but the only thing I haven’t been able to find is a large number of successful business owners that have launched into these new tech fields – just one or two vendor prize cows that I’m sure are more there for a free vacation..

In a nutshell, even though the MSPs and VARs have been dying in droves, few have found a way up the food chain or fish in the wide blue oceans many industry experts fantasize about: and the #1 threat to the entire MSP ecosystem is as follows:

Nobody wants to do any actual IT work anymore.

What automation didn’t kill off in the terms of IT personnel – well, the cloud has been finishing off. Meaning the only good MSP food is the most poisonous one: dealing with the clients that have neglected their IT, that received bad advice, that are extremely or unreasonably cheap or limited in their willingness to touch new technology. And once you do try to untangle the mess you’re mostly stuck looking like the bad guy who broke a perfectly functional car made out of glass and ice cream.

The problem for the vendors is that without the new blood coming in to do the grunt work the pipeline dries up, the acquisition of new accounts becomes more difficult and you see what we have now: Vendors with limited prospects getting acquired for close to nothing (ie: “Financial terms not disclosed”) to private or venture interests with hopes of going IPO in the industry that isn’t growing rapidly. In other words: the greater fool theory.    

Real Grunt Work Sucks

Technology solutions come in two ugly and unappealing ways for the MSPs. The first is the easy/cloud/appliance model that completely eliminates the MSP in virtually all areas. There is literally no business model to be built on this and the relationship is typically large-Fortune-500 direct contract with the client. Some like to play on the edge (“We’ll manage your iPhone for you”) but most are finding very slim profit margins and more PITA – so they do it for the sole purpose of keeping the account.

The other model – grunt work – is still there but more often than not gets off on the wrong foot due to the complexity in the existing infrastructure. Things sure were easier when everything wasn’t connected to everything else, huh? There are seemingly two ways of doing it: Plan excessively and kill your profits up front or plan and roll out in stages and kill profits and opportunities over time as one thing explodes after another. I kind of like this model because it funds my business model but the real problem for MSPs is..

Do as I say, not as I do..

Bad leadership. You can hit up Vladville from 5 years ago and read about how the Master MSP thing was gonna work out. When you saw those things folding up and those folks getting jobs or becoming unemployed coaches you could have concluded, as I had, that the model just doesn’t scale and the only massively profitable way out was through the greater fool theory. In this sense, the biggest fool on the block was Best Buy.

Time to despair? If you’re an MSP, hell no. It’s important to have perspective and it’s important to understand your best interest. It is in your best interests to minimize costs, maximize profits, scale and replicate the business model far and wide. But that’s not what you’re going to get from the stage full of vendors – because that is not in their best interest – they need you to get the solution in and get out of the way. They need you buying more tools, getting more stuff, more seminars, more training, more expertise and more SWOT – don’t spend money scaling your business and getting more clients, how the hell does that pay the guy who makes you think that you just need to turn into a Walgreens and sell everything and double up your income from the existing client base that already thinks they are paying way too much for IT and hate seeing you at the top of their A/P every month?

If you have a bleak outlook on the technology business you’re either in the wrong business or you’re listening to the wrong people. And they are coaching experts lowlevelvendormanagement unemployed for a reason.

Edit: I kind of forgot to wrap it up there – my point is that the biggest problem the IT industry faces is the fact that nobody wants to do any actual grunt IT work because bulk of the promotion at the shows and other outlets is on simplicity and easy business. And if it were easy everyone would be doing it, not going out of business. The faster you come to terms that your rapid growth depends on your willingness to get dirty, the faster you’re going to grow. This is what we embraced at ExchangeDefender a year ago when we announced we’d do migrations to our hosted Exchange for free – yes it’s more expensive for us to pull off and it is about as glamorous as working the fry machine – but we’re growing and that’s not something you hear a lot out there these days. My motto is actual $ over opportunity to make $, any day, every day, all day long.