SBS 2008 PSS Training

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So I’m up here in Redmond with a bunch of SBS MVPs taking part in the SBS training. Apparently this is the PSS deep dive, the type of training the Microsoft PSS reps get on the product. So technically, at the end of this we are expected to be able to take a PSS call and help a customer.

Thank you, come again.

Of course, since we all know each other it’s really just a day of carefully placed digs and cracks at the expense of everyone around you. Of course, being SBSers there are endless jokes about the size, servers with training wheels, etc. This particular specimen (Tim Barrett) made a mistake of sitting next to the wadding pool 🙂


Oh, and if you happen to be a Security / SBS MVP, like this one, you should make sure that people aren’t standing behind you with a camera while you are typing a password into a migration tool that doesn’t mask them 🙂


Fun, fun, fun..

Understanding Panic

IT Business

You know we are in trouble when even Bush can’t dumb it down just how messed up the financial systems are. When I explain to people the business of banking I get a range of epiphanies from “oh, so this is supposed to happen” to “that’s just not fair

Truth is, not only is it right, it is the very definition and spirit of the American way and capitalism itself. In a nutshell:

Financial prosperity of a capitalist system is dependant on volume always increasing. More credit extensions, more sales, more deposits, more loans, more taxpayers more people. In effect, your very social security benefits and retirement are dependant on there being enough suckers in the workforce making deposits between the age you retire and the age you drop dead. The profitability of the banking system is dependant on ever-expanding credit, with ever-expanding deposits followed by ever-expanding loans. Believe it or not, the bank business profits do not come from your personalized check orders every 5-7 years.

So how do banks make money? In United States we have what is called a fractional reserve banking system under which the central bank sets the reserve rate, or the amount of money the bank is required to keep in reserve to meet the demands of daily withdrawals and other business. So every time you make a deposit into a bank you are not dropping a pile of gold coins which then goes into the back of the bank to be loaded onto a horse drawn carriage and pulled across the dusty planes of Texas. What you are actually doing is making a loan to the bank expecting a full repayment. What the bank does is set aside the reserve rate (let’s say 10% of the deposit) and use the remaining 90% of the deposit for a commercial loan to someone else. They in turn take the loan and deposit it into the bank and the process repeats – save 10%, loan out 90% and so on.

The profitability of the banking industry is tied to the loans it makes. As it makes these loans it then packages them up and sells them to another financial institution which is the designated backer of such loans. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, two names you’ve heard a lot about, were the designated backers or purchasers of such loans.

Here is where things get ugly. During the Clinton years there was a huge push for financial institutions to deregulate the process of who backs loans, how and when. It established a deregulated quazi-market under which the loan packages could be traded almost like stocks and the companies that purchased these securities had to mark them to market – that is, the values of these loans had to be adjusted on the books to what their real value was. So long as the housing prices appreciated in value, so would the value of these loan packages and the more money that was loaned out for housing, regardless of whether the borrower was able to repay the loan, the better it looked for the financial institutions because the value of their books kept on going up. It’s like holding a stock that perpetually increases in value.

You know what happened next 🙂 As the housing bubble popped folks holding these loan packages could not get rid of them fast enough. They piled up at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as at some of the largest brokerages in the world which served as a medium for these transactions. As they could no longer sell and offload these loans, and as their value started to fall through the ground, so did the company.

Sure, that’s ugly. But here is the really messed up part:

Remember the 10% (or currently sanctioned amount) that the bank has to hold in reserve to meet daily withdrawals and regular business operations? Yeah, that works great if everyone doesn’t try to take their money out at the same time.

If more than the 10% of the deposits get called in the bank has to liquidate some assets (i.e., the $30,000 loan it extended to a college kid so he can rice out his Scion sC and put spinners on it) and as more stuff heads for liquidation so does the bank – it fails, just like any other business, because it is unable to meet its financial obligations.

In fact, this is how the Great Depression started, people started a run on banks so their money wouldn’t disappear. In part this gave birth to FDIC, the federally insured deposit accounts and so on. Psst. Did you know that a bank can actually temporarily suspend withdrawals and keep you from your money? What is the first thing you are thinking about right now? I’ve got bills to pay, time to get some ca$h. This is called a bank run.

So what are we bailing out?

225px-Henry_Paulson_official_Treasury_photo,_2006 The $700 billion dollar package being debated in Washington DC is to help back the loans that are considered insolvent. You’ve read that right: We are being asked to shell out $700 billion to cover the repayment of loans that the banks deem impossible to collect. The dude behind this proposal? Henry “Hank” Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs that presided over the company while the current deregulation took place and made it possible for the ridiculous loans to be traded around, current United States Treasury Secretary and board member of IMF, whose job is to support regulation of financial markets and financial health of the United States of America. What he is asking for is $700 billion to spot the bad decisions made by him that eventually lead to the problems we have now.

And you know what – you’re going to pay it. 🙂

Here is the bottom line: The reason there is a panic right now and you haven’t heard anything about this for years is due to the fact that there is a huge bank run underway in United States. As this is going on, the banks are refusing to issue loans no matter how good and solvent the loan may be. The banks are concerned about the massive debt they have on books that they are not sure they will be able to collect, so they are refusing to extend any credit because they need to keep the bank operations going.

Back to the financial prosperity of a capitalist system and how it impacts even us – even Karl Palachuk, recession blindfolded and cork 2″ in his ears, is unable to ignore this one. If you do HaaS and depend on readily available credit and ability to pay off the infrastructure purchases over time you might find your next big purchase and next big financing deal declined for no apparent reason. We are a nation that depends on readily availability of huge sums of money to make business deals happen without having 100% asset solvency (ie, cash on hand to buy stuff).

The $700 billion is going, in part, to keep things going as they have been going and effectively forgive the massive near criminal greed of bank executives, and it will be approved and go through because the financial prosperity of our system depends on our ability to overindulge and pass the bill off to the next sucker in line.

So long as the line of suckers is perpetual and we can print funny money to get a free pass whenever we are called on the inherent flaws of our society, the American dream lives on.

Only in America and God Bless America.

The Cost of Free

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Let’s face it, times are hard. Depending on where you are geographically, times are really hard to depressing. We’re doing incredibly well (September on course to be the biggest month on record ever) but we saw this thing coming and redid our portfolio in order to keep on growing amid the market meltdown. Truth is, when people have less and less money coming in you have to help them spend less money. The pie-in-the-sky productivity savings and workforce optimizations do not work in this market, people do not invest in their information technology, they try to make it fill the gap and even find ways to immediately reduce costs.

Features? Forget about it. Upgrades? Dream on. Migration with the promise of a new OS that hasn’t been battle tested with all LOBs with documented support? Lights out.

Roll in the crumbling financial markets, continued housing slide, election throwdowns..

If your big play for 2008-2009 fiscal year was SBS or EBS upgrades and deployments, you’re.. well, you know. ___ed. Insert your favorite expletive there.

Thankfully, Microsoft is being very nice to the MVP bunch and has invited us up to Redmond for a week of SBS training. I’ve decided to take the trip as well since a lot of my partners are in the SBS land and I know you folks are struggling. We are doing what we can at OWN to help with the cause because we know that as bad as things are right now the crisis always shakes out the weakest fruit and makes the marketplace better and more profitable for the rest of us. So we are doing what we can to provide the training, ramp up our partner community and give it a shot in the arm it needs.

But what always comes up with projects like this is that there is a demand that it be free. So I figured I’d open up just what the cost of any “free” venture is. Let’s assume that my time is worth nothing, that I will collect salary no matter what. The price of the free training is still:

Plane ticket: $600

Hotel: $1,300

Cab, tips, etc: $120

So even eliminating the enormous cost of spending time away from business for a week, the cost of free training is over $2K. Folks like to complain about how little comes out of the conferences in terms of free videos, training, recordings and blog posts. Folks want to feel like they are there. Truth of the matter is, there is no such thing as free – someone always pays – and even when folks do something for free it buys them no goodwill – most people go about business as usual and reward companies on a selection criteria that is void of community contributions. Some solutions, as I’ve noted here, have even died in the SMB space due to the lack of support. Is it fair? Of course, absolutely, but that explains the suckiness of the sharing that is seen from the top down. I suppose I’m just a dumbass, so you’ll see something pretty special come around next weekend. Stay tuned.

Cloud Computing is like women’s fashion

IT Business

Or so says Larry Ellison. (here is a shorter summary):

“The interesting thing about cloud computing is that we’ve redefined cloud computing to include everything that we already do. I can’t think of anything that isn’t cloud computing with all of these announcements. The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women’s fashion. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?

We’ll make cloud computing announcements. I’m not going to fight this thing. But I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of cloud computing other than change the wording of some of our ads. That’s my view.”

This from a guy that effectively pushed for cloud computing during the middle of the last decade, dearly funded the Network Computer concept that many cloud providers now see as the future and even powers the cloud computing’s shining star: SalesForce.

So what is pissing off Larry and Oracle?

The same thing that’s pissing off Microsoft, Apple and any other traditional infrastructure company. The fact that their premium solutions are becoming a commodity, that their premium solutions require so much training, upkeep and migration scenarios and planning that even the most skilled of IT staff need retrain every few years while the software companies themselves push for software licensing subscriptions while offering no compelling financial or operational reason to keep the data center in the office.

What’s more, guess what the kids are writing apps on these days. It’s not Oracle. It’s not Visual Studio.

This creates a huge problem for Software+MandatorySubscription+MandatoryMigration that companies like Microsoft offer. And as they struggle to implement the new partner programs and go to market as service organizations that they really are not, a whole new generation of application is coming with the next generation only bound by it’s creativity not by the built-in features it can afford or that the other vendors demand be in place.

Hardware has long been a commodity. Operating systems are almost there.

Where does that put guys like Larry, that make multimillion dollar sales orders for what is effectively becoming a near-free product?

Bashing the solutions they themselves envisioned and conceptualized a decade ago.

Evolution………… No, the dinosaurs aren’t going to disappear overnight, but their numbers are greatly diminishing. It’s not fashion Larry, it’s business, and I can assure you that lots of it is leaving your pipeline and going into mine.

It is illegal to be homeless

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homelessTook the (out of town) team out to lunch today and they really enjoyed this lovely sign, on behalf of Orlando, the city beautiful:

Don’t be homeless. If you are homeless, remain in state of perpetual motion or sleep on the pavement. Other options include mounting the bronze alligator statue, sleeping at the bottom of a fountain or suspending yourself upside down from a city light.

Gotta love government bureaucracy. I wonder how many people got together to define the instance of a homeless person sleeping in a park.

Move over Eric: Slimy Vendor Showcase


Aaron Booker from Hardlines caught up with me at the recent Connectwise Summit. I’ve blogged about VarVid video blog that Aaron and Pat Dolan put together to give you the street-vibe around WPC. Now it was my turn, but first a bit of background:

Slimy Vendor Whore is something Dana and I came up way back in 2005 when I got introduced as Vlad Mazek, the Microsoft MVP, Exchange guru and an outspoken community leader and Dana got introduced as a vendor. As Dana sat there outraged at his introduction I of course piled on by not just saying he was a vendor but a slimy vendor whore at that. Ever since that my official introduction to anyone that was a potential lead outside of the general pitching/networking areas has been that I’m a slimy vendor whore.

As you will see in this video, I’m proud to unseat Eric Ligman from his throne as the king of our slimy vendor whore kingdom. Please watch the video and count the # of sales pitches and gratuitous self-promotional messages – I’d say make it a drinking game and down one every time you hear a sales pitch but you’d likely end up dead from alcohol poisoning.

Vlad Mazek Interview from Aaron Booker on Vimeo.

If you are thoroughly disgusted at what you just saw I’m going to let you in on a little secret that I see far too many people are not too clued in on: When someone sticks a mic and a camera in your face it is not to get to know you, the real you, your soul. It is a self-promotional effort of getting the content that others will want to get something for – you have only a few moments to present yourself and what you do for others. In crude terms, it’s an invitation to pimp. Unless you are a twelve year old girl nobody wants to hear your shoutouts, your thoughts on world peace or a funny joke or an anecdote of what the times were like when you worked on mainframes – they see a goofy picture you’re guaranteed to hate and they want to know what you can do for them. This isn’t 60 minutes, it’s 5 minutes – sell yourself.

Oh, and for those that haven’t met me and wonder if Vladville is just an act and what I’m really like in real life…. that’s me without caffeine in a basement in Florida during summer.

P.S. If you don’t creep out the guy interviewing you, you simply haven’t done your job.

Coping With Failure

IT Business

It’s been a tough few weeks at OWN as I think we have become the “it girl” at the same time as the new product releases and upgrades are hitting the market. Although we are turning the corner and things are starting to improve dramatically I figured I’d write this if for no other reason than to share a failure, let it either be a reminder or mortality or graffiti for others that will run into the same issues down the road.

Just like I beat up on Microsoft for making me look bad, I have a ton of partners that beat up on me when we start to suck. I’ve always had an open door policy and people both email and call me directly even when there are issues that should be handled by the few dozen other people in the organization whose job it is to handle those issues. Why? I feel that there comes a point where an executive needs to talk to an executive in another company as the last ditch effort to make things work. So if things look bad, regardless of if they are over $100 or $100,000, I need to know. We track the crap out of the client support and purchasing behavior, but I assume there are at least 10x to 100x problems as we get reports of, which is why they are all at least considered.

So where did I lost da ball game as they say? Well, we announced and launched four products in the space of a month. Never gonna do something that stupid again, I can tell you that much. Because here is what happens – no matter how hard you work and test and plan and prepare, something always fails.

It’s not something uber-critical, it can be something that just annoys people. The problem with small mistakes is that when they annoy the user the perception of your product and service changes from positive to a negative. The worst thing you can do as a service organization is make your users unhappy with your service. Once they are unhappy they will report every issue they face, be it your fault or not, because the last time they went through their checklist something was your fault so this time they bring it to you first.

This starts a cascade effect of a flooded helpdesk. A flooded helpdesk takes support personnel, which is the frontline of all product issues, off their game and makes them the fault monkeys. Fault monkeys spend all day and night apologizing for inconveniences and falling over one another to patch the holes as soon as they are reported but they don’t have an hour or two to take the problem back to the analyst to identify the issues, forward to the programmer or ultimately me to fix them from actually storming the helpdesk.

This creates a further stress on account managers, infrastructure managers and other people in the organization whose job it is to track metrics and the behavior of the system. How? Well, the support monkey keeps track of problems which he takes to the analyst at the end of the shift. When you bring issues one by one they can be fixed one by one, consulted, peer-reviewed, etc. When you bring 20 at 5 minutes before quit time the bottleneck just shifts.

The epic failure in the entire chain of command is when the bugfix introduces more bugs because the fix had not been tested to the full extent and the loop goes back twice the intensity.

What am I doing? Well, talking to partners, making sure the process sticks even if we’re shorthanded, apologizing, even working on support tickets and trying to reach around to the programmers (yeah, believe me, the experience is just as it sounds) so that we correct the issues.

We have been doing something monumental over the past 2-3 days to fix all of this and we’re on schedule to have everything together by the end of the weekend. But that introduces yet another problem that is a little difficult to fix. First, we need to grow rapidly, but the skills of people in the marketplace just stink. This means that training can take a little longer to bring online and we get to train people during graveyard when things are a little slower.

The more important problem, which I hope every service organization reading this is taking to heart and pounding into the paper, is that you get a chance to fail the client exactly once. Yes you can make them smile for a minute with a comp or a gift card or an apology, but once you fuck up you’re fucked. Sorry about the colorful language there, truth of the mater is that once your client has an ounce of doubt into your ability to deliver the service you have promised – even if you’ve stood by your SLA and offered refunds and made the client whole – you are now on the defense and will be thought as the first point of failure because the confidence of your client has been shaken.

It’s tough, it’s ugly and this is why IT is a business and not a lifestyle. You have to be sharp, you have to be good and you have to be on it 100% of the time or you may as well not even bother. And lord help you when you fuck up, because that 40 hour week is something you won’t even be able to dream about because you’ll be working around the clock.

Love it or leave it…

Do they know that we know that they know that we can’t find the server they are looking at us from?

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At times it’s not the big complex problems that make you rip your hair out, it’s the tiny little mistakes which compounded by complexity create a catastrophic failure on a magnificent scale and make you feel no better than a 14 year old in his first computer class. Ah, the joy of monitoring.

So within the ExchangeDefender architecture two of the most important objects are admin servers and scanning nodes. Admin servers hold the configuration which gets replicated to scanning nodes which scan mail. This seems like a very trivial thing, the admin node generates configuration that the scanning node pulls, loads and executes. How can this possibly go wrong?

(don’t laugh yet, there are over 30 monitoring indicators for just the replication-sync piece alone)

So the monitoring nodes scan the admin nodes and scanning nodes directly, either by pulling (web load of the local statistics, SNMP) or getting data pushed (SQL logging of activity and events).

Now, if you don’t understand how each of these components interacts and you try to optimize them on what was probably 2 hours of sleep you miss one bubble in a 3 mile flowchart and the catastrophic failure doesn’t make you look like a little ass, it makes you look like a total retard – I’m not talking messages getting delayed by minutes or seconds, but by 5 days in one instance. (faceplant)

So here is what happened. The web and SNMP reported everything was fine. As did the remote loads of the node statistics. As did the inserts because they were hardcoded with the system IP address.

Where Woody messed up by not going straight to the police was when he optimized the DNS infrastructure to use the local caching server and one of the scripts that was used to report the failures relied on a domain name and not a hardcoded IP address.

So what had happened was… the caching nameserver we use for sync of blacklist data from node to node failed and hung. The node reporting engine went to report the failure but the lookup for the hostname of the monitoring server failed because it relied on a component that had failed. The process scanner found that the process was alive and working in the process list. The fact that it didn’t actually resolve any queries was apparently besides the point, but because the node scanner and monitor were both in agreement that the system was live with current config and software and everything was moving along…. uhhh… kill me.

So now the monitor of the monitor for the on node – off node monitoring process also monitors the resolution and connectivity and DNS health.

What really hurts is that the header of the code reads a commit by one vmazek. Ouch.



Some of you have an unhealthy addiction to Vladville 🙂 I’ll leave it at that.
I have been suffering from a severe case of Blogache, my head is stuffed with stuff I want to talk about, my sinuses are filled with how good the new Microsoft commercials are and I’m in a whirl over how good the business is. Talk about the right place, right time, right message and the right people. We are absolutely firing on all cylinders, but we are running out of cylinders. ;(

Anyhow, here are my thoughts in no particular order: ConnectWise conference is the best, direction-wise, conference I’ve ever been to. I got to sit around and talk to the CEOs of LPI, Zenith and ConnectWise for far more than just the few minutes we usually get. In terms of future and where those companies are going, we are right on the same page and in the same direction. This means the unbelievable growth curve we’ve had starts hugging Y more and more and my dream of a Ferrari rainbow gets more complete 🙂

Many of you have Microsoft problems and still a lingering anger over what is going on. Que sera, sera. On the business side I really can’t tell you that there is any interest in your concerns. On the MVP side, it’s really not a point of discussion at all, those guys are 100% on the ball to make the best product available. Microsoft seems to have their commercials out which IMHO look right on the money. I only saw one and I forgot the line at the end but it was basically a giant wind-up kick in the balls of Apple. Beautiful!

Cloud vs. On-premise: Who will win? Who gives a sh**. Listen, business is a game of gambles and investments. If you keep on hitting the red, and it turns out to fall on black you lose all your business. Tough luck. But if you grow up a littleand spread your bets around the table you just might find yourself ahead of the curve no matter what the future holds.

Finally, what am I up to?

I’m having a midlife crisis. It’s not so much of a crisis as it is collecting Corvette’s but I think the two go hand in hand. My dental surgery fun and drill is finally over tomorrow afternoon and with the wife back and work and little monkey in day care I’m pretty much dead set on bringing back The Ironman. You’re going to love the codename for this project, suffice to say, I have a lot of work to do in terms of redemption when it comes to my business, to Shockey Monkey, to a few partners that got screwed by me going on paternity leave, the tech contributions to the community and the list of fuckups goes on. The way I figure, I have until about Christmas (60 days give or take) to clean up my overpromise/underdeliver issues. I’ve hired a girl I’ve known since 13 to help me out specifically on some of this stuff (she is as big of an ass as I am so it’s a total c-c-c-c-ombo breaker type of a situation). I got me a shockey monkey!

We’ve been featured at


Ok, I guess it’s time to quit this biz. When you’ve made it into Dilbert you’re pretty much done


Oh dear lord….