Exchange Server 2007 and Outlook 2007 Updates

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Microsoft has released two important updates to the messaging infrastructure this week. Exchange 2007 SP1 (which you should be running) now goes to Update Rollup 3 fixing the issues of it taking foreeeeever to open the Exchange System Manager MMC console to launch. Outlook 2007 also gets a refresh aleviating the issues where hung dialog boxes and forms would stop Outlook from responding and eventually required a three finger salute to take out and then wait for the ost to be checked and rebuilt.

These have been significant problems for us and our clients so if you’ve experienced them get to patching. We have tested the Exchange update rollup significantly and its currently running on the OWN enterprise grid around the world and so far 0 trouble tickets raise. Outlook I wouldn’t know about, I’m OWA2007 all the way – the desktop be damned.

Note: If you are new to Microsoft Exchange 2007 be careful with the patches. Microsoft Exchange 2007 currently has two production branches with two production patch updates. If you are running the Exchange 2007 without Service Pack 1 you have one update rollup to install, if you have the version with Service Pack 1 there is another update rollup to apply.

WPC Podcast – Day 2 and S+S from a CRM Partners view


Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. Microsoft made a huge announcement about their Software + Services initiative that directly compromises the value of not just their own products but of their partner program as well. You’ve already seen my opinion of it, in a raw way that only Vladville can deliver, and today we actually talk shop about it on the OWN Partner Call #2 with Scott Colson.

Scott is a good friend and a long time partner that has sold pretty much everything OWN has produced. We even sell CRM together if you can believe it. So when I saw him pop up on IM last night a lightbulb in my head switched on – here is someone who already has to compete with Microsoft CRM Online in his CRM specialty. Scott’s company, Autonomix, provides both traditional infrastructure (managed services) as well as special CRM deployments including customization and development. With Microsoft already being in his space, what does Scott think of the new additions to the S+S space and what is his business model?

Tune in and find out. Best 20 minutes you’ll spend today to sum up all of yesterdays events impacts on our space.

Still seeking the title for the podcast. I was thinking of going with “How Successful IT People Make Money” but it seemed a little too arrogant for the professional corporate podcast. Suggestions, ideas, opinions?

Microsoft trying to blend the Software + Services Message and do damage control

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Watching the keynote with Allison Watson, very interesting. In a sharp contrast to yesterday’s direct pitch for Microsoft Online and handing your clients over for a 6% monthly commission, today the message is that Software + Service is actually a partner opportunity to use Microsoft technologies to power the Web 2.0-ish applications and designing them on top of the Microsoft platform.

Very, very silent on the “Just move your clients to our Data Center” pitch. They even brought up a few partners in the hosting space.

“You shouldn’t be a part of someone elses agenda, you should set the agenda.”

Things change overnight, don’t they?

Selective Partnership Amnesia


I am not going to defend Microsoft for what they have done today. But I am not going to fault them either, you rarely get a partner that gives you years worth of lead notice of the business model changing gears.

So it seems today’s Microsoft WPC keynote left a lot of partners with a really sour taste in their mouth and a soft jaw. It has been an interesting day at the office as I had a bunch of calls with my “long time readers” who all of a sudden realized their world had changed today. Really? Today? What gets me the most is the feeling of betrayal, the feeling that the product is somehow devalued, that the Microsoft partnership is over, that the bottom has fallen out of the business solutions Microsoft offers.. again, really? This is a surprise? Where have you been? I have been writing about this non-stop for over a year now as the commoditization of this industry became apparent and you just got the news today because I gave you a visual representation of your future role? Please, give me a break.

Microsoft has been leading up to this for years and many of us that have gone to WPC and work closely with Microsoft have been talking about it for years. Let’s review the message:

2004 – Move up the solution stack and look beyond infrastructure

2005 – Become a trusted advisor partner

2006 – Vista & Office for better online experience

2007 – Software + Services is the future of our business

2008 – Turnkey Exchange + Sharepoint worth exactly $3/month.

This is something that has been years in the making, and if you’ve been following this blog you know that it only picked up steam as a result of Google and Apple building a more popular and buzzworthy solution.

Ever since Hailstorm in 2001, Redmond has had a consistent strategy and change in model – going more direct. Microsoft is not a charity, it is not their duty to sustain your business model that exists as a pain killer for infrastructure problems.

Technology business is about two things – relationships and expertise. Which one do you have?

The part of being a grownup and a business leader is being aware of your surroundings and opportunities and leading your business towards greater success (however you define it) – if you fail at that, you fail at business. It’s not Vlad’s fault, it’s not Microsoft’s fault, it’s not Dell’s fault. It’s your fault.

P.S. To be honest, I’m a little offended that so many of you have turned to me for a comment about the 6% commissions and the “going hosted” insults you perceived today. I have deleted all the questions from my mailbox today and will be the only time you don’t get a response from me about this blog. Why? I have been writing about this so extensively for the past year, down right to changing our business model in the space of 8 months on this very blog, and you have the decency to try and blame me for your inability to see this coming at you like a freight train? I’m sorry that not everyone can put a picture of a pr0n star taking it in the butt to show you the new relevance infrastructure partners have in the “cloud services” and I hope that if you learn anything today is that most of these blog posts are written to help you and guide you on what I feel is relevant, sorry you’ve skipped through them because they didn’t have enough pictures.

Thank you Microsoft (NSFW)


About 10 minutes ago I became the biggest fan of the Microsoft Corporation that ever existed. Microsoft showcased the opportunity in Microsoft Online suite and presented their vision in such an awesome way that will make me and my company very, very rich. Quote: “The changes cause a lot of pain.” Here is roughly the vision they have for Microsoft Partners and their participation in the Microsoft Online Software + Services:

(…) see but be warned, not safe for work.

In case you’re wondering, you’re the girl 🙂

Specifics are: you as a Microsoft Partner will recommend Microsoft Online and sign the customer up for hosted Exchange, SharePoint, etc and let Microsoft bill, support and work with your client directly. In return, Microsoft will give you 12% commission of a $15/mo service ($1.80/user/month) the first year and then 6% commission ($0.90/user/month) the year after that!

Whoever thought of this fantastic way to screw the partners and make my business immediately relevant… Thank you!

WPC Resources

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If you are in the IT space, you need to be watching this. Even if you don’t work with or against Microsoft, Microsoft is a major force in this business and you need to know what they are up to.

OwnWebNow and a few of our partners are doing a bit to bring you the first impressions live from the event. I’m personally using the new Own Web Now Partner Call podcast to interview my partners about what they are learning at WPC and what they are thinking about doing to become more successful with the info they learn.

bg_c31b_thumbListen to the first Own Web Now Partner Call with Mark Crall. Mark talks about the changes to the partner program, changes to the SBSC and community engagement from Microsoft, free exam vouchers and quite a bit more about business and economy in Charlotte.

I will have more calls from WPC today, tomorrow and after that when they get all their thoughts together and figure their strategy out. One of my other partners from Dallas, Pat Dolan of TCC Technologies is doing some video from WPC as well, check it out. Here he is talking to Dave Sobel.

Going Commercial?

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Got a few angry emails regarding my last post, mostly asking if I was selling out:

“So you’re taking all the stuff you do and making it commercial?”

Not sure how that came through the message but no, actually, quite the opposite. Instead of letting traditional marketing dictate how we run our company and dealing with its money drain and eventual failure, we are going to use the practices that made this blog (and conversely the SBS Show, Vladfire, Vladcast) so popular and worthwhile to so many people.

I am trying to take some aspects of the work I already do on the individual basis, pack it up and offer it up at for anyone that cares to learn from it, good or bad. As these discussions are business in nature and so closely tied to the business of Own Web Now, I would think that it would be selling out Vladville to post them here.

On the other hand, I consider this to be a model for how things should be done in this space. I have always had an open IM invitation for all my partners, I have always had a direct dial in number and an extension that is published, I have been blogging for a while. The only difference now is that we’re actually going to showcase some of that activity beyond me <-> partner and hopefully invite more people into the conversation, pick up the feedback which always improves the product which improves sales and improves Timmy’s college fund 🙂 Consider the opposite, which is the traditional community development in this space: 1) Turn off all the extensions except for sales 2) Put up a forum and hope users will support one another out of desperation 3) When the users get critical do some damage control and close up the forum thread and move on. Doesn’t sound like fun. So instead of opening up the doors and saying “Why don’t y’all just build a community for us” we’re actually going onto the court with the ball and asking for others to play along.

Lucy’s Sail: Chapter 4: The New Line


Pardon the maritime references; For what it’s worth, the line is used to lift the sail up so that the ship can sail faster in a new direction. So in terms of the series of blog posts crossing the metaphores between The Beatles Lucy in the sky with diamonds, the colonial and penal ships sailing around the world to establish new colonies, yada, yada, yada… this post title therefore infers that we will be doing something new with the wind to get us moving faster. My god, I’ve completely lost it.

If you haven’t read any of the posts on this thread, I understand. Self gloating gets tiring. Most of it is unlikely to impact you at all if you don’t work with us. The following will and I hope you take a moment to understand where I’m coming from and what I am about to do.


In the long, long ago, I started a consulting business. We designed network solutions, built workstations and servers, started writing system management software and antispam stuff.. fast forward to now. We have a mature enterprise consulting group. We have one of the leading infrastructure companies, in terms of customers, in terms of network diversity, and in terms of presence. We have an ISV arm that develops all the things you are aware of and all the things you’ve never heard of. Fingers crossed, by the end of the year we’ll be doing a lot more stuff. Point being, none of this happened overnight, I worked very hard and very long with a lot of people to get my company where it is now. About two years ago I had announced my intention not to die under the glow of the computer monitor, at 4:10 AM auditing an event log. Over time I reduced my work hours, got married, started a family, had a kid.. and the company grew more and more, and it is poised to go even further.

As I started pulling back from being the main operational monkey, and focusing on other things, I sat in a lot of meetings, conferences, advisory panels and just sunk a lot of hours into trying to figure out what it is we do here. Are we an ISV? Are we a Global VAR? Are we an antispam company? Does it matter to anyone? Turns out the marketing message only matters to the marketing people, the folks that sit around and talk about the web page that nobody visits as the next book to be included in the bible, counting the number of times you have to repeat word “process” or “leader” in order to prove a point to the guy that is scavaging the site to figure out some obscure detail we failed to document.

What this business (Own Web Now Corp) was built on, what it grows on and what it will continue to succeed on is much simpler than that. It’s called relationships and working with our partners and clients to help them be more profitable by spending less time on special systems where they have a tiny need/opportunity and helping them pull of giant projects only we and IBM can deliver.

Welcome our new web site…

Last week Judy and I sat down and scraped the whole pile of marketing crap and instead looked how to reduce the amount of junk filler we have and instead focus on how to get people to come to our site, learn something new and move on even if they don’t buy anything. We are not a retail op, impulse purchases off the web site are not very likely nor important, but it is important to stay true to our heritage of being a company that works together with partners and clients, not one that sits behind vendor tables and hands out dead trees. Call it antimarketing.

Our new web site:

But dude, what am I looking at?

The first thing you’ll notice is that there is no signup button. No buy me now. Even all of our products are not described. What about the specs? What about the flash? I need cute pictures to make a decision damnit!!!! I know, hold on, it will be there. There is a point to this exercise:

Most of the web sites in the IT consulting space, b2b or b2c, suck. They suck because it takes far too much time to design, it is outdated immediately, it is not relevant to the audience and it doesn’t serve a purpose. At all. So instead of working on our corporate identity, instead of drawing people to it, instead of constantly refreshing and educating our partners and clients – we come up with another distraction to further fragment our presence. OWN is a small company. We have three sharepoint portals, two web servers, two knowledge bases, one blog and one managed folder that I know of. There are likely more.

To me it matters very little how my web site scales with my competitors in terms of revenues generated from the web – read the bank balance, bitch – what matters to me is that we have this awesome opportunity to take what we do every single day and put it towards improving our partners and clients.

My favorite self-proclaimed RiffRaff general Andy Goodman and I talk once a month, sometimes more. I don’t want to out Andy but he makes a lot of money for OWN. He ain’t no RiffRaff, those tshirts are expensive! Same with Mark Crall. Do we talk about some super secret squirrel club way to take over the world? No. We talk about business, we talk about technology, we talk about business plans. We do things that makes being in this industry fun and we’d talk to you about it in person no matter what.

I have never entered into a conversation with the words “So who do you use for antispam..” and I don’t really see a reason to start to now. Moreover, I have a new problem, with more people from OWN working directly with my partners and customers, do they know what we’re all about?

I am advertising to myself.

My marketing message is that I need to sell myself, my partners, my employees, my vendors and my wife on what it is we do around here. If I can manage to do that, we’ll find someone to sell this to. If I don’t I guess I’ll go work at McDonalds and buy some AdSense to promote our solutions. It beats growing old and fat and having to wear pink pants and a megaphone to attract attention.

I (know from partner feedback) that people buy more than a product and a service from OWN. They buy into a relationship. I want to share that with you, although if you’re reading this blog you already know how I go about things.


We are all at a point where our businesses must change in order to survive. I am going to share the development of our message, our value proposition, our web site marketing, traffic trends, what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t have all of the above problems, keep on working hard and you soon will. First, I’ll comment here on what we say and how we say it, to give you an idea of how we’re trying to position our hosted messaging and collaboration products that we’ve been selling all along. In a world of Gmail and Live, a $10/10 GB Mbox needs to fight too.

Second, to celebrate the launch of the new web site and our new dedication to improving our partners and working better together, we’re doing a series of podcasts from the Microsoft WPC. Tune in every night this week to find out the latest WPC events as seen by our partners.

Finally, remember that little SBS Show thing Chris and I used to do? Yeah, it’s grown up a little bit, and you can download the latest show here:

I hope this post and the one that will follow later tonight and tomorrow reaffirm the commitment to our partners and clients that we’ve built a business on top of. Stay tuned 🙂 Oh, and join in 🙂

Living in fear of Microsoft

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One of the questions I am often asked by Microsoft partners is if I am afraid that Microsoft would try to kill me, in a joking way of course. Doesn’t the stuff here piss them off to no end?

In a nutshell, no.

Microsoft is an interesting organization to work for. They don’t really have intermediary points of contact, you’re either dealing with someone very high up that will forget the conversation as soon as it’s over or someone so low on the totem pole that the issue will never float up either high enough or to the person that can initiate it’s resolution. The people in the middle use blogs and public opinion to justify asking for resources and opening up internal conversation and action requests. If you’ve ever worked with a Microsoft product group you know they are very feedback oriented and whenever they need to make a call they look for the number of people that it will affect, how to best solve the problem, find a compromise, etc. Microsoft’s corporate and business divisions don’t have that “problem” they are just trying to make more money.

I know through working with a number of Microsoft people that they actually really enjoy the blog because it stimulates feedback and gets them the information that they otherwise wouldn’t get. You see, partners by nature would rather be quoted in the press with something good so they can get more leads or a PAM favor than try to push Microsoft in a direction that makes both of us more successful.

You should blog. No, Microsoft won’t kill you. There are good people there that are doing their best to make it better every day.

The Problem

Microsoft needs to be aware of the problems that are causing it’s partners to desert them. As good as things are right now, we are all looking at other options. Why?

The main problem with Microsoft is that it is not spending it’s time or talking about writing business software. Microsoft is in a panic mode trying to address the Google, Amazon, Apple issues while we, their business partners, are stuck with the same old garbage with the more attractive UI.

Most of us would be perfectly content if you could just focus on writing software.

But that’s not the kind of a company Microsoft is. We will compete. Against Apple. Against Sony. Against Google. Against Amazon. Against Adobe. Against the entire Open Source movement. Against the government. Against users themselves. What we can’t compete with we will buy. We will run around with our sword until we collapse on the floor in the pool of our enemies blood and feces.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WPC, you’re standing in the blood and feces of the overzealous competitive Microsoft that is crumbling at its foundation while an all out assault is being launched by all the competitors Microsoft couldn’t work with and chose to fight.

If you do anything this week: Remind Microsoft why you are a partner, and ask them to focus on the areas where we are already making money together so we can work together in the future.

Or there is no future together with Microsoft.

Your move Steve.

Already missing the WPC


Every now and then I get to see a giant mistake unfold right in front of me and this year it seems to be missing out on WPC. While there is no way I possibly could have made it, I felt a little less bad knowing that I could at least catch a glimpse of it through Digital WPC:

Eh, not quite. We’re working on something else for the folks that want a digest from WPC in terms of the news and impact on our business (announcement to follow). If anything, WPC is a look down the years of vision and direction of where Microsoft expects to make money not to mention terrific networking opportunities, even HTG is airing theirs.

Wish I could be there, bah..

P.S. It’s so sad when you can’t even take a potshot because you feel so bad about them, they want to provide services but can’t even keep the Partner web site together at 5AM.